Finished projects

Effect of combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids and nanoparticles on cutaneous wound healing in a model organism
Program: IGA_TÝM
Number: AF-IGA2019-TP006
Provider: Mendelu


prof. MVDr. Ing. Tomáš Komprda, CSc.

Ing. Kristýna Šmerková, PhD.

Project solution period: 2019 – 2020


Effects of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) n-3 on wound healing tested on rodents are inconsitent: decreased/increased collagen deposition; lower/higher counts of the inflammatory cells in the healing tissue; increased/decreased concentration of both pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines; DHA accelerated/delayed wound healing process. An optimal model for wound healing in humans is a pig; however, an application of LC-PUFA n-3 using this model is not described in available literature. An application of nanoparticles (NP; alone or in combination with different biologically active substances) in wound healing is extensive, but a description of their effects in combination with LC-PUFA n-3 are missing in the given context. An optimal composition of the combination of the NP (selenium-based or other metals, and semi-metals) with LC-PUFA n-3, including in vitro antibacterial aktivity and cytotoxicity evaluation (on bacterial and tissue cultures), will be evaluated in the first part of the present project. The main hypothesis tested in the project will be as follows: combination of the topically applied NP/LC-PUFA n-3 has a synergistic effect on wound healing in vivo (pig model) in comparison with individual components alone. A nutritive, technological and sensory quality, respectively, of the products based on meat of pigs fed either a diet enriched with LC-PUFA n-3 or a standard diet alone will be compared in the third stage of the project.

Utilization of nanocomposite materials to eliminate the impact of drought stress and excessive irradiation in maize seed crops
Program: IGA_TÝM
Number: AF-IGA2019-TP011
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Dalibor Húska, Ph.D.
Project solution perid: 2019 – 2020


Lack of water and acute and often prolonged drought are currently among the main environmental influences with a direct impact on plant production. In the Czech Republic, this problem is growing rapidly, and new technologies need to be developed and tested to protect plants from extreme weather conditions – drought and associated excessive irradiation. The Czech Republic has ranked among countries that have huge know-how in nanotechnology and are among the top countries in their use. This project aims to strengthen the position of MENDELU in an increasingly up-to-date program named Industry 4.0, where it also belongs to Agriculture 4.0. It is now that nanotechnology is slowly advancing in agriculture, but the potential of these techniques and new materials is not yet fully exploited and thoroughly explored. Particularly intensive discussions and experiments with NKMs as effective bio-fertilizers (mainly containing microbiogenic elements) or directly in the form of active substances intended for plant protection. At present, NKMs are being used as a new generation of fertilizers or pesticides. We will focus on the development of new Zn or Zn-based NKMs in combination with other metals combined with biodegradable carbon and organic components (polysaccharides, proteins) that will enable the maintenance of NKMs on leaves that enhance their efficiency while at the same time they are biodegradable.

UV-Induced Fingerprint Spectroscopy
Program: IGA_TÝM
Number: AF-IGA2019-TP009
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Lukáš Nejdl, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2019 – 2020


Spectroscopy of UV-induced fluorescence (UV-IFS) is a novel and unique spectroscopic method currently being developed at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mendel University in Brno. This method is taking advantage of the natural spectral properties of liquid samples (absorbance and emission of light) exposed to the UV irradiation. Changes induced by UV irradiation are typical for chemical composition of the sample and can be monitored by conventional spectroscopic instrumentation (e.g. UV/Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, etc.) Spectral analysis of UV-induced changes of the solution can provide valuable information about physical, chemical or biological properties of the sample in a very short time frame (i.g. minutes). By the proposed method it is possible easily distinguish (profile) and compare different samples with the aim at detection of a) medicine counterfeiting, b) counterfeiting of fruit juices and wine, c) determine the variety and/or origin of fruit and vegetables, d) identify markers of physiological/pathological state of the organism, e) profile addictive and psychotropic substances, f) detect processes occurring within one cell (single-cell analysis) and/or g) investigate the interaction between metal ions and thiols.

The main goal of the project is the investigation of the physical chemical processes taking place during UV light exposition of the samples followed by the optimization of the method for selected samples (pharmacological substances, extracts from fruit and vegetables to monitor pesticide residues).

Galileo Enhanced Solution for Pest Detection and Control in Greenhouse Fields with Autonomous Service Robots – GSA
Program: H2020
Number: 776324
Provider: Evropská komise
Co-investigator: prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2020


European agriculture is facing numerous challenges such as population growth, climate change, resource shortages or increased competition. Besides, the area of land available for agriculture is declining, rural areas become depopulated and farming population is aging. Today’s challenge is to produce “more with less”. Greenhouses protect crops from adverse weather conditions allowing year-round production. Integrated crop management approaches provide better control over pests and diseases. However, the intensification of greenhouse crop production creates favorable conditions for devastating infestation that can cost a 25% of the potential income. Greenhouse crop production is growing throughout the world, generating 46,377€/ha across Europe. GreenPatrol aims at developing an innovative and efficient robotic solution for Integrated Pest Management in crops, which has the ability to navigate inside greenhouses while performing early pest detection and control tasks in an autonomous way. Main developments will be focused on: – Precise positioning to provide accurate and detailed pest maps in greenhouses (light indoor environments) – Perception with visual sensing for on-line pest detection, including reasoning mechanisms for efficient action selection – Strategies for manipulation and motion planning based on pest monitoring feedback. Galileo capabilities are considered a fundamental technology for the proposed solution as it provides better performance against the multipath and signal degradation present in greenhouses. GreenPatrol will achieve a remarkable reduction of production losses and chemicals usage, as well as an increase in quality and competitiveness, leading to more sustainable farming and enhanced food safety and soil and water protection. The project includes a validation stage where the prototype will be tested in real environment to reach TRL7. GreenPatrol will be commercially exploited. Its business plan shows profits starting in year 3.

Metallothionein as Prognostic Biomarker in Skin Cancer
Program: SoMoPro
Number: 6SA17676
Provider: JCMM


Ing. Lucie Vaníčková, Ph.D.

prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D.

Project solution period: 2017 – 2020


The search for suitable biomarkers for tumour growth is one of the major foci of current cancer research. Melanoma incidence and mortality in Europe are high but there are significant gaps in the development of new diagnostic methods for early detection of this serious disease. Metallothinonein, the cysteine rich metalloprotein, is one of the potential markers for tumour disease development. The spatial imaging of this protein in tumour tissues could help better our understanding of the processes leading to carcinogenesis. Therefore the present project combines a novel approach of nanoparticle biolabelling with mass spectrometry imaging techniques and electrochemical quantification. The proposed multidisciplinary approach will be applied on a model of swine skin melanoma (MeLiM minipigs) that is close to the human model. The finding of the project could considerably enhance our understanding of the processes occurring during the tumour growth and subsequently lead to the discovery of new approaches to tumour growth inhibition. The experienced researcher and the host institution are mutually complementary in their expertise to profit the knowledge transfer and to achieve the goals of this project.

Comprehensive insight into mechanisms of action and metabolism of tyrosine kinase inhibitors and a study of ways increasing their antitumor efficiency
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: 18-10251S
Provider: GAČR


prof. RNDr. Marie Stiborová, DrSc.

Mgr. Zbyněk Heger, Ph.D.

Project solution period: 2018 – 2020


The project is focused on metabolism of selected tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs, vandetanib, lenvatinib, cabozantinib). Project aims on in vitro and in vivo study of interactions of TKIs with biotransformation enzymes from the cytochrome P450 family. The detailed description of TKIs metabolism is crucial for understanding the side-effects associated with their application and for proposing new treatment protocols combining TKIs with other cytostatics. To increase the efficiency, TKIs will be also encapsulated into nanoscaled transporters, whose surface will be modified with selected targeting ligands. Further, we will exploit the obtained data for computer-aided design and synthesis of novel derivatives of TKIs, which will be tested for their anticancer activity. The proposed project will expand the knowledge about the relation between metabolism of studied TKIs and efficiency of anticancer therapy. Moreover, it will provide novel structures with TKI activity and insight into the possible use of advanced nanomaterials to enhance the selectivity of TKIs towards the tumor mass.


Application project TestLine Clinical Diagnostics s.r.o.
Program: OP PIK
Number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_084/0008833
Provider: MPO


TestLine Clinical Diagnostics s.r.o. – Mgr. Lenka Pokorná

doc. RNDr. Ondřej Zítka, Ph.D.

Project solution period: 2017 – 2020


The aim of the project is the implementation of industrial research and experimental development in the field of human and veterinary medicine.

It will involve the development of specialized software, high-tech automated devices, modern technologies in laboratory diagnostics and new / innovated immunodiagnostic kits.

As part of the implementation of this project, a comprehensive background will be created for the applicant, which will be properly equipped with the necessary technical and technological means, as well as personnel.

The project will offer the creation of new, unique and innovative solutions in laboratory diagnostics. The implementation of these new solutions will increase the overall range of specialized equipment and services offered. From the point of view of functionality, the usability of these high-tech products will be extended also for a new area of ​​multiplex analysis and for fully automatic processing of different types of manufactured immunodiagnostic kits.

New design and exploiting nanobiosensors and nanosensors to target medicine (NANOSEMED)
Number: KAN208130801
Provider: AV ČR
Investigator: doc. Ing. Jaromír Hubálek, Ph.D.
Project period solution: 2008 – 2012


The aim of the proposed project is to develop new mono- or heterogeneous nanosystems for nanobiosensors and nanosensors that could be used to target medicine. On-line monitoring of physiological parameters as well as effects of treatment is becoming increasingly important due to the progress in medical technology. Investigating the effects of a disease treatment consists of determining of the level of glucose or cytostatics and other drugs or the rapid and simple analysis of biologically important proteins (p53, p21, metallothionein, glutathion etc.) and sequences of nucleic acids (gen for cystic fibrosis). Nanosensors and nanobiosensors using materials with unique physico-chemical properties can bring further progress in detection of biologically andclinically important proteins. Attention will be also paid to magnetic materials suitable for separation of such compounds. The proposed methods will enable easy and selective detection and separation of target bio-molecules and compound.

Study of binding of platinum cytostatics to DNA structure, Influence of metallothionein
Program: Granty výrazně badatelského charakteru zaměřené na oblast výzkumu rozvíjeného v současné době zejména v AV ČR
Number: IAA401990701
Provider: AV ČR
Investigator: doc. Ing. René Kizek, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2007 – 2011


Suggestion of biosensor for determination of platinum, which could be applied to direct detection of platinum therapeutic concentration in human body liquids of tumour diseases patients, is an assumed contribution of this project for clinical practise. On the base of our results way and results of tumour diseases treatment could be improved. In addition, study of cell mechanisms, which negatively influence the way of the treatment, is another assumed contribution for clinical laboratories practise. On the base of these results new and better procedures that could markedly improve the way of patients’ treatment could be developed. The binding of platinum cytostatics to ds-DNA structure will be studied in detail. Viability of the cell lines after platinum cytostatics treatment will be studied too. Moreover electrochemical methods for very sensitive and rapid detection of DNA and metallothionein will be optimised.

Back for the Future
Program: H2020
Number: 763685
Provider: Evropská komise
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2018


Ultra-Fast Molecular Filovirus Diagnostics
Program: H2020
Number: 115844
Provider: Evropská komise
Investigator: Lars Ullerich
Project period solution: 2015 – 2017


The aim of this project is to provide an ultra-fast and accurate molecular diagnostic platform that can perform a molecular test on the Ebola virus within 10-15 minutes. Patients, suspected of EVD, due to fever and/or other clinical signs, could be rapidly and accurately tested at the Point-of-Care by withdrawal of blood, or less invasive fluids.
The core technology of this project is based on laser-heated nanoparticles (Laser PCR), overcoming the time-limiting step of heating and cooling the reaction sample in conventional PCR allowing for drastically reduced turn-around times. The project partners (GNA Biosolutions GmbH, Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive, Mendel University in Brno, and Emergency Ong Onlus) have the competence to integrate sample preparation with virus-binding magnetic particles, ultra-fast molecular diagnostics with Laser PCR, test the system in a biosafety level 4 laboratory in Rome, Italy, and conduct thorough field testing.

Together between earth and space
Program: Interreg V-A SK-CZ
Number: CZ/FMP/11b/01/025
Provider: Fond malých projektů
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


It aims to increase the quality of cross-border cooperation between individuals and companies. The aim is to support and strengthen effective cross-border cooperation in the field of special education, research, development and the use of new technologies. The project strengthens the interconnection of institutions and better mutual knowledge of the work and skills of partners (know-how, procedures, projects), including partners involved in activities at the level of organizations and their cooperation with individuals on both sides of the border. The aim of the project is to actively involve at least 8 institutional partners in the activities. The project activities will be implemented in the South Moravian Region (especially in Brno), in the Zlín Region (Valašské Meziříčí), in the Žilina Region (Žilina) and in the Trenčín Region (Partyzánske).
The project targets the inhabitants of the region and secondarily at MSP.

Together for research, development and innovation
Program: OP přeshraniční spolupráce SR – ČR
Number: CZ/FMP.17A/0436
Provider: Fond Mikroprojektů
Investigator: prof. Ing. René Kizek, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2015 – 2015


The aim of the project is to establish and develop a cooperating and cooperating network for stratospheric and ground-based research and educational infrastructure between the Laboratory of Metallomics and Nanotechnology, the Slovak Space Organization and the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory, p.o.

The implementation of the project will enable the creation of a network that will bring immediate cross-border sharing of professional, technical and educational information, presentation of the obtained observations to the professional as well as to the general public. The obtained data and possibilities will increase the qualification of trained persons in the regions, which will lead to better cooperation leading to the development of new technologies for effective research and applications. The project brings an opportunity to involve other workplaces, students and scientists in the project activities. Based on previous activities, we have verified that the potential and capacity for development and effective sharing are advantageous and effective for partners.

One of the goals is the development and implementation of a universal stratospheric research platform, which can be used not only for standard scientific and technological experiments, but also for monitoring the rapidly changing environment and effective measurements using modern sensors.

Construction of modified apoferritin nanoparticles with anticancer drugs and study of mechanisms potentiating their effectiveness in therapy
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: 17-12816S
Provider: GAČR


prof. RNDr. Marie Stiborová DrSc.

prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D.

Project solution period: 2017 – 2019


The project aims on a study of development of the surface and structural modificationsof the protein nanotransporter apoferritin for targeted delivery of anticancer drugs. We focus on a design and testing of modifications, which will be suitable for a broad spectrum of theranostic applications, using the binding with ligands, such as antibodies, targeting peptides or peptides promoting a transcytosis across the blood-brain barrier. We will also perform the tests of
modifications with cationic peptides with the cytotoxic activity. Another important part of the project is focused on the investigation of encapsulation of selected cytostatics within the inner cavity of apoferritin to reduce the undesired interactions of the drugs with the healthy tissues. The interactions between malignant/benign cells and modified apoferritins will be examined in vitro and in vivo. The proposed project will expand the knowledge about the possibilities of use of biocompatible protein nanotransporters with the properties, which can contribute to improving the opportunities of targeted cancer management.

Metal-nanopartcials based multilabeling for bioimaging
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: 17-12774S
Provider: GAČR


Mgr. Tomáš Vaculovič, Ph.D

doc. Mgr. Markéta Vaculovičová, Ph.D

Project period solution: 2017 – 2019


The proposed project is focused on development of the method which allows multiplex imaging of several molecules in tissues. The concept is based on the interaction of antibody labelled with metal-based nanoparticle with its antigen. The metal-based nanoparticle will be imaged by means of laser ablation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The labelling of antibodies will be done by metallic nanoparticles (rare earth elements, Au, Ag …) and
each antibody will be labelled by nanoparticle of a different metal.

The study of sarcosine metabolism and its participation in prostate cancer development
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: 16-18917S
Provider: GAČR


prof. RNDr. Marie Stiborová, DrSc.

prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D.

Project solution period: 2016 – 2018


The aim is to resolve whether alterations in metabolism of sarcosine and in changes in its levels and activities of enzymes involved in its metabolism affect growth and aggressiveness of prostate cancer cells. Another aim is it identify a role of these enzymes and levels of sarcosine in prostate cancer cells under conditions analogous to treatment of prostate cancer patients. Thus, alterations in sarcosine metabolism and activities of enzymes participating in its metabolism in cells administered with cytostatics and inhibitors involved in its metabolism by RNA interference and/or by antibodies will be used to evaluate whether this procedure might be utilized to target the nanotrasporters bearing cytostatics and these molecules to prostate cancer. Such a study will enhance our knowledge to explain the role of sarcosine in prostate tumors and will also support further development of novel nanomedicine tools, which could increase the efficiency of treatment of prostate cancer.

Improvement of capillary electrophoresis performance by utilization of nanomaterials
Program: Juniorské granty 2016
Number: 16-23647Y
Provider: GAČR
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Markéta Vaculovičová, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2016 – 2018


The aim of the project is the utilization of nanomaterials for improvement of the capillary electrophoretic analysis. The impact of nanoparticles such as carbon nanomaterials, quantum dots and gold nanoparticles on both separation and detection side of the analysis will be characterized. Exploitation of these benefits will improve determination of the analytes present in very low quantities and/or in complex biological matrixes. Furthermore, a modular and versatile detection device for microcolumn separations will be designed and constructed. This device will take advantage of utilization of miniaturized, replaceable and inexpensive components including light emitting diodes, optical filters and detectors. Moreover, the proposed device will combine several detection modalities (fluorimetric, photometric and conductometric) in one. The combination of benefits from both above mentioned strategies will lead to the highly effective analytical approach applicable for a wide variety of analytes present in low concentrations in the presence of interfering compounds.

Development of nanoparticle-based cytostatics and enzymes for enhanced chemotherapy of human neuroblastomas and study of mechanisms of their action
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: 14-18344S
Provider: GAČR


prof. RNDr. Marie Stiborová, DrSc.

prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D.

Project solution period: 2014 – 2016


The aim is to prepare encapsulated DNA-damaging drugs and histone deactylase inhibitors efficient in treatment of human neuroblastomas (doxorubicin, cisplatin, etoposide, ellipticine, valproate, trichostatin A) in nanotransporters (based on proteins forming cavities and membrane structures) that will be more efficient to destroy neuroblastomas than parent drugs. Another aim is to prepare nanoparticles containing encapsulated enzymes that activate one of these drugs (ellipticine) to be able to covalently modify DNA (cytochromes P450, cytochrome b5, peroxidases). Comparison of cytostatic efficacies of these newly prepared drug- and enzyme-based nanoparticles used in treatment of neuroblastoma individually or in combination, their biological and physicochemical properties, their intracellular distribution and cytotoxic abilities such as intercalative and DNA covalent-binding abilities will also be examined. Such a study will increase our knowledge to explain the mechanisms of action of encapsulated anticancer drugs and might be suitable to develop novel therapies for neuroblastomas.

Phenolic metabolism, antioxidants and stress tolerance in algae
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: 14-28933S
Provider: GAČR
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Bořivoj Klejdus, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2014 – 2016


With respect to extensive diversity of algae, number of their secondary metabolites is high. However, they were studied mainly in economically important algae and typical phenolic metabolites of vascular plants were not extensively studied. Phenolic metabolites (flavonoids and phenolic acids) in control and stress-exposed micro-algae and activities of related proteins (phenylalanine/tyrosine ammonia-lyase and chalcon synthase) will be analyzed. Additionally, relation of phenolics to other low molecular antioxidants (ascorbate and glutathione) using specific inhibitors will be studied. Selected flavonoids will be quantified in micro- and macro-algae aimed to compare evolutionary diversification. Finally, impact of mineral nutrition on induction of phenolics and antioxidative activities of algal extracts will be assayed.

Nano-Electro-Bio-Tools for Biochemical and Molecularly-Biological Studies of Eukaryotic Cells (NanoBioTECell)
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: GAP102/11/1068
Provider: GAČR


prof. Ing. Ivo Provazník, Ph.D.

doc. Ing. René Kizek, Ph.D.

Project solution period: 2011 – 2015


Monitoring of biological processes in living cells is still very complicated, eventually impossible. At the present time, quite new technological procedures, which are able to solve these very difficult problems, come up. This is connected with miniaturization of detection equipment itself. Nanotechnological instruments, nanoparticles and nanoapparatuses are able to targetedly find specific molecules, such as receptors, and thereby serve the purpose of diagnostics or transporting the molecules to targeted site. Procedures suggested by us solved by this project will enable better comprehension of cell processes, facilitate diagnostics of relevant diseases, such as cancer, inherited diseases, and also increase possibilities of therapeutic and reparative operations (gene therapy, targeted chemotherapy or nanosurgery).

Biogenic amines production in selected lactic acid bacteria strains
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: GAP503/11/1417
Provider: GAČR
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Vlastimil Kubáň, DrSc.
Project solution period: 2011 – 2014


Biogenic amines (BA) are mainly generated by decarboxylation of the corresponding amino acids and could be potentially toxic for human. Many strains of lactic acid bacteria (including probiotic cultures – LAB) used in dairy industry are producers of BA.The im of the project is the study of simultaneous effects of some external factors (temperature, pH, aero/anaerobiosis, available sources of carbon ? saccharides, NaCl concentration etc.) on histamine, phenylethylamine, tyramine, putrescine, cadaverineand tryptamine production in selected LAB. PCR, UPLC and HPCE will be used for detecting of BA production and studying of kinetics of biogenic amines production. Results from this project will be: (i) models of BA production of selected strains of LAB influenced by effects of more than one external factor,(ii) recommendation of technological condition (for dairy industry) in which the use of BA positive strains is acceptable from point of view of food safety (iii) new designed primers for detection of genes coding some enzymes for putrescine, phenylethylamine and tryptamine synthesis.

Study of contribution of different DNA-damaging mechanisms to toxicity of cytostatics to human chemosensitive and chemoresistant neuroblastomas
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: GAP301/10/0356
Provider: GAČR


prof. RNDr. Marie Stiborová, DrSc.

doc. Ing. René Kizek, Ph.D.

Project solution period: 2010 – 2014


Neuroblastoma, a tumor of the peripheral sympathetic nervous system, is the most frequent solid extra cranial tumor in children and is a major cause of death from neoplasia in infancy. Still little improvement in therapeutic options has been made, requiring a need for the development of new therapies. The project addresses still unsettled questions, which of mechanisms of action of DNA-damaging drugs both currently used for treatment of human neuroblastomas (doxorubicin, cis-platin and etoposide) and another anticancer agent decreasing growth of neuroblastomas in vitro, ellipticine, are predominant mechanism(s) responsible for their antitumor action in vitro (neuroblastoma cells) and in vivo (neuroblastoma xenograft tumours). The project will also investigate the effects of hypoxia on efficiencies and mechanisms of actions of these drugs and whether they are capable of inducing chemoresistance in neuroblastomas. Their effects in combination with histone deacetylase inhibitors and mechanisms of such effects in vitro and in vivo are other subjects, which will be studied. Such a study will increase our knowledge to explain the proper function of these drugs on the molecular level, which should be utilized for the development of new therapies for neuroblastomas.

Miniaturized intelligent systems and nanostructured elektrodes for chemical, biological, and pharmaceutical applications (NANIMEL)
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: GA102/08/1546
Provider: GAČR
Investigator: doc. Ing. Jaromír Hubálek, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2008 – 2012


The basis of the grant consists in research on fabrication of the nanostructures, from various new (in terms of electrochemistry) materials (e.g. Bi, Ga, Galinstan), for planar microelectrodes which would be used as the sensitive parts of electrochemical sensors. The aim is to reach high sensitivities in electrochemical analyses such as in heavy metals detections and investigation of bioactive substances as affinity layers for modification of the electrodes used for analyses of bio-molecules. A microchip will be developed for the microelectrodes and destination applications as well as a miniaturized portable system for both the field and laboratory measurements. The microelectrodes will be integrated into the sensor array together with the developed intelligent integrated electronic system. This unique portable device will enable to carry out a large number of various analyses using various methods and electrodes (e.g. an analysis of proteins, DNA, etc.) in a short time. It will also result in high effectiveness of the scientific work in the area of electrochemical analyses. Solving this multi-disciplinary task will contribute to the progress of nanotechnology and to development of microsensors and microsensoric systems for chemical, biochemical, and pharmaceutical applications.

Isoflavonoids in algae and cyanobacteria
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: GA525/07/0338
Provider: GAČR
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Bořivoj Klejdus, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2007 – 2010


Whilst flavonoids (2-phenyl chromanes) are widespread in higher plants, the isoflavonoids (3-phenyl chromanes) were found only in a limited number of taxa. It is currently considered that these compounds are not present in the group of photosynthetic microorganisms (algae and cyanobacteria). Our preliminary screening results, however, indicate the occurrence of several members of isoflavones in some green microalgae and cyanobacteria. The presence of these compounds clearly indicates the existence ofdeveloped flavonoid metabolic pathways in the autotrophic microorganisms. This is challenging and would be the first verified notification occurrence of these compounds in microalgae. The physiological function of the isoflavonoids in autotrophic microorganisms remains to be settled. The main goals are to confirm presence (already passed 5 strains of the preliminary tests) and to examine the occurrence and distribution of isoflavonoids among the various taxonomic groups of algae and cyanobacteria.

Study of thiol compounds production at plants – use in phytoremediation technologies
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: GA522/07/0692
Provider: GAČR
Investigator: Ing. Josef Zehnálek, CSc
Project period solution: 2007 – 2011


Realization of the proposal casts the light on the influence of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, zinc, copper) on plants and on content of thiol compounds (e.g. glutathione and phytochelatins). The synthesis of phytochelatins is catalyzed by phytochelatinsynthetase (EC An easy-to-operate, fast and possible to be automated method for phytochelatinesyntetase activity determination will be developed during solving of the project. An activity of this enzyme will be studied both at model plants (tobacco suspension culture) cultivated at defined conditions and at plants (mono- and dicotyledonous) from definite natural places. The results obtained will be applied at choice of convenient plants for remediation technology.

Ultrasensitive analysis of silver in waters
Program: Standardní projekty
Number: 526/07/0674
Provider: GAČR
Investigator: Ing. Soňa Křížková
Project solution period: 2007 – 2009


The project brings a better understanding of influence of silver on organisms. The contribution of the proposal will be simple, rapid, sensitive and low-cost analysis of silvers ions in water with respect on geo-chemical cycle of silver in the environment. The analysis will be performed by electrochemical techniques on the surface of modified and unmodified electrodes In addition we will study interactions of silver with proteins and/or nucleic acids by suggested and optimised techniques.

Study of protection mechanisms for stress-induced by heavy metals
Program: Postdoktorandské granty
Number: GP525/04/P132
Provider: GAČR
Investigator: prof. Ing. René Kizek, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2004 – 2006


In the frame of the project we will study mechanism of induced production of isoflavonoids under the model conditions of explantate cultures affected by stressors (heavy metal ions). The special attention will by payed to the characterisation of small proteins (phytochelatins). Different metal ions selected as stressors (Zn, Cd, Pb etc.) will be applied to the suspension cultures of Nicotiniana tabaccum or to the very interesting embryonal cultures of Picea abies. The effect of heavy metal ions on explantate cultures mainly on the growing and metabolic characteristics will be studied. Our preliminary results on P. abies in the presence of Pb showed that explantate culture forms clusters on the solid medium. Their parameters will be controlled by digital image analysis. The competition amoung different metal ions and especially among their forms (ionic, chelate, complex etc.) will be studied and bioavailability of the species will be corellated with the content of the metals in plant organs.

Selenium nanoparticles as non-antibiotic alternative in the treatment of bovinemastitis
Program: SME Instrument Brno
Provider: JIC
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D., Mgr. Zbyněk Heger, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


Currently, the problem of bacterial resistance or resistance of microorganisms to common antibiotic drugs is a very serious threat. And this applies to both human and veterinary medicine. In the area of ​​milk production and cattle breeding, a major problem is the bacterial disease of the mammary gland, the so-called mastitis. This disease causes large financial losses to cattle farmers, and therefore our project focuses on the possibility of bringing a new type of non-antibiotic product (in the form of intramammary injection) to the veterinary medicine market, which can effectively help in the treatment and prevention of mastitis.

Protein engineering to increase the biocompatibility of bionanomaterials
Provider: LPR
Investigator: Ing. Simona Dostálová, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2018 – 2019


Since the discovery of a phenomenon known as the effect of increased permeability and retention of nanoparticles in solid tumor tissues in 1986, nanomaterials have quickly come to the forefront of cancer research. Their potential lies not only in the toxicity of the nanoparticles themselves, but especially in their use for targeted delivery of low molecular weight drugs, bioorthogonal therapy or thermotherapy. Despite the high potential and success in in vitro tests, however, many nanoparticles fail in vivo. The problems lie mainly in the often insufficient biocompatibility of these nanomaterials. The excretion of nanoparticles most often takes place in the kidneys and liver, and therefore it is important to know their toxicity to these organs. Many, especially metal nanoparticles show high genotoxicity or induction of free oxygen radical formation. This is often desirable as it is one of the main mechanisms of their toxicity to malignant cells, but after cessation of treatment, such nanomaterials can accumulate in the body, cross biological barriers and act on healthy tissues in the long term. In addition, their physicochemical properties often induce a thrombotic cascade and nanomaterials thus increase the likelihood of thromboembolitical complications. A number of nanomaterials have also been shown to have erythrocyte haemolysis, platelet aggregation or complement activation, as well as plasma protein opsonisation and subsequent macrophage internalization, when these nanomaterials have been unable to reach tumor tissue.

For these reasons, it is necessary to focus on the biocompatibility of nanomaterials. Therefore, research is increasingly focused on the use of bionanomaterials using biomolecules commonly found in the patient’s body. An example is self-assembling protein cages – ferritins (FRT), whose biocompatibility, biodegradability and stability in the patient’s body is increased due to their natural occurrence and importance in the detoxification of the organism. For these reasons, bionanomaterials using FRT will be prepared in the project by protein engineering and molecular cloning methods. The project will focus on modulating their surface using diagnostically and therapeutically important biomolecules, such as polymers, antibodies or peptides, in order to ensure safe use in the patient’s body. In silico molecular modeling techniques will be used to design these modulations. The created bionanomaterials will be comprehensively characterized using modern biochemical and biophysical methods, used for a detailed understanding of their structures and interactions. Great attention will be paid especially to biocompatibility tests with cells of the immune system and healthy organs.

Study of transport of cytostatic drugs by modified apoferritin cages
Provider: LPR
Investigator: Ing. Simona Dostálová, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2018


The project will study the specific transport of selected conventional and experimental cytostatic drugs using natural protein nanotransporters based on apoferritin. The aim will be to delete these amino acids or domains in these apoferritin nanotransporters in order to achieve their dissociation under conditions located inside the tumor cells, i.e. slightly reduced pH, high ionic strength or increased temperature during thermotherapy. Apoferritins prepared in this way will be characterized by modern biochemical and analytical methods, their ability to stably encapsulate drugs, the rate of premature release of these drugs in the physiological environment and their specific transport to prostate, breast and ovarian cancer cells will be monitored. Last but not least, the undesirable interactions of this nanotransporter with erythrocytes and cells of the immune system will be monitored. The obtained results could serve as a basis for the design of a reliable method of selective delivery of cytostatic drugs to tumor cells using safe, naturally occurring nanotransporters.

Enzymes of sarcosine metabolism and their effect on the proliferation and aggressiveness of malignant and benign prostate cells
Provider: LPR
Investigator: Mgr. Zbyněk Heger, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2016 – 2017


The project will use modern molecular-biological, biochemical, but also analytical methods, which will study prostate tissue cultures (malignant, metastatic and benign) supplemented with sarcosine. RNA interference using siRNA for transient knock-down of selected enzymes will be used to study the role of enzymes. The effect on growth properties (proliferation, migration), mRNA expression, target proteins, but also susceptibility to common cytostatics (doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin) will be monitored. Last but not least, the levels of SAM and SAH will be studied in selected sarcosine-supplemented lines, including the effect on overall DNA methylation. Ideally, the obtained results could serve as a basis for the design of a new method of biological therapy of PCa using interactions with the studied enzymes.

Area screening of sarcosine levels in urine and its usefulness for early diagnosis of prostate tumors
Provider: LPR
Investigator: Mgr. Zbyněk Heger, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2015 – 2016


The basic methods used to diagnose prostate cancer include per rectum examination (DRE), determination of serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) and transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). A uniform classification system is needed to evaluate and compare the course of the disease, treatment outcomes and patient prognosis. Recently, there has been increasing talk of new, specific biomarkers of cancer that are easily detectable, highly selective and accurate. In prostate tumors, these include, for example, PCA3 (prostate cancer antigen 3) or engrailed-2 (EN-2). The amino acid sarcosine, easily detectable in urine, also seems to be very promising. From a chemical point of view, it is a natural, non-toxic and colorless solid that is readily soluble in water. Sarcosine is formed in the human body as an intermediate in the metabolism of choline to glycine (Issaq et al. 2011). In 2009, a study was published suggesting a significant role for sarcosine in tumor cells (Sreekumur et al. 2019). At the same time, the possibility of using sarcosine as a marker of early stages of cancer development is discussed (Cavaliere et al. 2011). It is also very important that it is not present at all or in very negligible concentrations in the urine of healthy patients (Cernei et al. 2014, Heger et al. 2013). However, to confirm or refute the role of sarcosine in the diagnosis of prostate tumors, an extensive study with a unified sampling and analytical approach for its determination is necessary. Such a study can be accelerated very quickly by the use of sarcosine in clinical practice, and thus significantly help in the early detection of prostate cancer, leading to more successful treatment.

Monitoring the interaction of the antitumor drug doxorubicin with amino acids
Provider: LPR
Investigator: RNDr. Ondřej Zítka, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2013 – 2014


The anthracycline antibiotic doxorubicin is used to treat cancer. However, due to its cardiotoxicity, heart failure can often be observed in patients due to the use of chemotherapy. Reducing cardiotoxicity and other side effects of anthracycline-based cytostatics is a challenge for personalized medicine, mainly due to an increase in the therapeutic index of the drug. In the project, we anticipate studying the interactions of doxorubicin with amino acids and expanding the possibilities of reducing unwanted interactions (using nanotransporters – liposomes, fullerenes), which by their properties can help target tumor cells directly without significant side effects on surrounding tissue structures.

Innovation of chemistry teaching for the study program Horticultural Engineering
Program: kategorie B
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Mgr. Jiří Vlček, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


In recent years, a trend has been observed in the ratio of the number of students in the field of viticulture and
viticulture compared to students of horticulture (by about 59% in 2017/2018). That brings with it a need
modify some tasks in the teaching of chemistry to better meet the requirements of the graduate profile,
It is mainly an analysis of real samples of wines and grapes by methods that can be used in practice. Plus it is
need to be more involved in teaching and illustrative methodologies using computer technology provided to students the methods used will be better presented. Related to this is the possibility of seeing in real conditions of use chemical analyzes in wine processing technology.

DNA origami and nanoparticle FRET-based flexible and versatile diagnostic tool
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP025
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Kristýna Pavelicová
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


At present, the constantly evolving range of diseases is an incentive to develop new diagnostic methods. Above all, diagnostics must be sensitive, flexible and as universal as possible.

Therefore, the aim of this project is to create a comprehensive method for a wide range of different diseases. The combination of Förster resonance energy transfer, origami-based recognition elements and fluorescent nanoparticles will allow the development of a sensitive, selective and efficient technique for diagnostic purposes. Unlike conventional diagnostic methods, fluorescence-based detection requires lower costs and provides higher resolution and sensitivity. For these reasons, as well as the growing number of diseases, fluorescence-based detection is an excellent choice.
An example is the detection of thrombin, which is essential for the diagnosis of stroke or myocardial infarction.

Study of bacterial resistance to carbon nanomaterials
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP051
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Milica Gagić, MSc.
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


The emergence and spread of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, and the associated health risks, lead to the development of alternative methods and materials to help address this issue. One of the possible solutions is the use of nanomaterials that inhibit the growth of even multi-resistant bacteria. Selected carbon nanomaterials show strong cytotoxicity against bacteria, but the emergence of potential resistance to these graphene-based nanostructures has not been fully investigated. The main goal of this project is to monitor the emergence of this resistance and understand its mechanism. Model microorganisms such as gram-negative Escherichia coli, gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus will be used for this purpose. For selected cultures, gradual passage will be performed with a suitable subinhibitory concentration of carbon nanomaterials (eg graphene oxide). The development of resistance will be monitored using growth curves and disk diffusion method. The mechanism of the developed resistance will be monitored by potential changes in the protein profile of resistant bacteria using differential two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and subsequent mass spectrometry. For example, DNA sequencing, polymerase chain reactions or DNA microarray techniques will be used to determine possible changes in the bacterial genotype.

Using apoferritin for Bcl-2 gene therapy of cancer cells
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP044
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Markéta Charousová
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019
Detection of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in blood serum of dogs
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP077
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Lada Ilieva
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


The aim of the project is to develop a detection method for the determination of antibodies against Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in the blood serum of dogs. This method will be used to monitor the type of antibodies and their levels (the body’s antibody response) in vaccinated and non-vaccinated dogs and in dogs suffering from a disease caused by Lyme disease. The developed method will work on the principle of line blot assay. 13 antigens specific for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and for
Anaplasma phagocytophilum with a different immune antibody response. They will be determined IgM antibodies (acute immune response antibodies) and IgG antibodies (antibodies of the body’s long-lasting immune response).
The presence and amount of antibodies to antigens will be investigated with respect to obtaining information on whether there is a different distribution of these antibodies (“fingerprint”) in the vaccinated and unvaccinated dogs or in dogs suffering from Lyme disease. The use of this new and rapid fingerprint-based detection procedure could serve primarily to distinguish between antibodies present in the body after vaccination and between antibodies that would indicate the disease itself, as well as to monitor efficacy vaccination and the duration of vaccination.
This approach would significantly contribute to a better and faster assessment of the disease in the clinical
practice and would further improve vaccination management and control, thus reducing the need for preventive vaccination dogs if they still have active antibodies.

Nanoparticles as transporters of genetic material into unicellular algae
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP040
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Pavel Chaloupský
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


Genetic engineering methods represent a wide range of possibilities in unicellular algae in an effort to achieve them permanently sustainable development and play a key role in a range of processes in agriculture, food and
pharmaceutical industry. A significant barrier limiting the delivery of exogenous biomolecules and genetic material into the algae, however, forms the cell wall. The methods currently used are low in efficiency. Nanoparticles, as possible carriers of genetic material, represent a promising alternative to conventional ones methods. This is mainly due to the ability to pass through the cell wall and extensive optimization options physico-chemical properties for the purpose of conjugation with a molecular “load”. The aim of the submitted project is to develop a methodology for the transport of genetic material into unicellular algae through nanoparticles.

Biomimetic peptides for active targeting of neuroblastoma cells
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP031
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Hana Životská
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


Many ligands (peptides, nucleic acids, antibodies or fragments thereof) have been used to actively target nanotransporters in antitumor therapy. Although many have provided reliable in vitro targeting of receptors overexpressed on malignant cells, their in vivo efficacy is insufficient, mainly due to the complexity of living organisms. Nevertheless, short biomimetic peptides that can be designed using computational biology / in silico chemistry are a very promising targeting modality. The use of high-throughput computational analysis provides a wealth of data and information that is essential for subsequent in vitro and in vivo applications. The main goal of this project will be the rational design of suitable ligands based on biomimetic peptides derived from neurotoxin conotoxin (with high affinity for norepinephrine transporter, NET), their synthesis, structural analysis and in vitro testing as non-toxic ligand targets for active nanomedicine of neuroblastomas. express NET.

Discovering the molecular pathways responsible for chemoresistance to
tysorine kinase inhibitors
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP010
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Veronika Šmídová
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


The aim of the project is to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms responsible for the development of chemoresistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors and to identify a set of possible biomarkers for prognostic evaluation responses to the treatment of cancer with these substances. Cell lines will be prepared first resistant to one of the selected tyrosine kinase inhibitors (Cabozantinib, Vandetanib and Lenvatinib), whose proliferation will be studied using cytotoxicity assays with validation of cell viability by trypan blue, further by induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest using flow cytometry. It will continue to be performed transcriptomic analysis using a cDNA microarray, the output of which will be profiles transcriptome of the cell lines examined. These data will be evaluated and will be performed in detail bioinformatics analysis of signaling pathways and molecular processes. The obtained results will serve as solid basis for further study of chemoresistance to targeted treatment, which is the most progressive treatment modality of the present.

Nanotechnology for the protection of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) from insects Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP036
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Ivan Rankić
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


Recently, the number of greenhouse plants (cucumbers, strawberries, tomatoes) has been growing. In this cultivation system, pathogens become the main enemy. The largest pests of tomato plants include Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum. These pests absorb plant juices, causing leaf fading and necrosis. The leaves begin to turn yellow, lose turgor and eventually wither. Another problem for plants is the development of fungi of the genus Capnodium, because insects produce honeydew, which allows the development of fungal diseases. Given the EU’s opposition to the introduction of new genetic methods (CRISPR), it is necessary to look for new ways of protecting plants from pests and related sustainability, which is most important for agricultural production and without modern methods and materials sustainability would not be possible. The main goal of this project is to test nanocomposite materials and their toxicity for individual pathogens and the plant itself. The project will test metal and carbon nanoparticles, and nanoparticles encapsulated in microalgae. The model organism will be a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Everything will be captured by high-spectrum cameras and a record of the course of the infection will be created. As part of the toxicity analysis of NPs for plants, a basic biochemical and molecular analysis of stress markers will be performed. In particular, the total content of carotenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids, chlorophylls, glutathione-ascorbate cycle and antioxidants related to abiotic stress. Samples will be analyzed using ambient and chromatographic techniques with a mass detector, a spectrophotometer with a 96-well plate reader. The gene expression of selected genes will be monitored using qPCR.

Inhibition of hyperactive protein kinases using targeted therapy of solid breast cancer
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP073
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Zuzana Škubalová
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


The treatment of oncological diseases always brings with it unpleasant and often serious side effects effects caused by administered chemotherapeutics. Therefore, the aim of this project is mitigation side effects of chemotherapeutics acting on the patient’s body through targeted therapy, herein focused on solid breast malignancies. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which we will address in this project, are currently used in the form of oral tablets. This way of use leads to serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract and other undesirable health problems, last but not least, the patient is forced to follow a strict diet and struggles with anorexia and nausea.
The basis of targeted therapy with these chemotherapeutics already commonly available on the market is their success encapsulation in apoferritin protein. After enclosing the drug into a biocompatible and biodegradable protein, after intravenous administration, the organism is protected from the side effects of this drugs. The actual opening of apoferritin and activation of the chemotherapeutic occurs only in the target tumor tissue, after internalization of the formed nanoconstructs into the cell and their subsequent entry into endosomes. After desorption of this nanoconstruct in the tumor environment, apoferritin itself is degraded as a normal human protein, and the chemotherapeutic thus acts only at the site of tumor growth. The basis of this work will be the creation of an efficient nanoconstruct with satisfactory encapsulation yield and then its characterization, stability tests in different environments will also be performed simulating the human body. In vitro screening tests will also be performed, revealing cytotoxic properties of the formed nanoconstruct. The final outcome of this study will be
creation of an efficient, biocompatible and biodegradable nanoconstruct with a targeted effect tumor breast tissue, followed by in vivo testing.

Development and evaluation of the diffusive gradient in thin film technique for determination of arsenic bioavailability in the aquatic environment
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP055
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Vendula Smolíková
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


The proposed project deals with the innovation of the diffusion gradient technique in a thin film (DGT) for a more efficient determination of the bioavailability of arsenic in the aquatic environment. DGT technology has the potential to simulate the process of bioavailability of metals from the environment for living organisms. DGT technique is based on the use of a diffusion gel membrane simulating the entry barrier of living organisms (eg fish gills) and subsequent accumulation of metals in a sorption gel, which will be characterized by high sorption capacity, sorbet homogeneity and its preparation will not be time consuming, manual or economical. A commercially available ion-exchange resin Lewatit FO 36 will be used for the production of new sorption gels, which will enable the easy use of this technique for monitoring the bioavailability of arsenic in the aqueous environment.

Development of Electrochemical DNA Biosensor for the Detection of DNA Methylation Associated with Cancer
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP059
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Eliška Sedláčková
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


Aberrant DNA methylation is an inherited post-translational covalent modification that mostly occurs in the CpG region of a dinucleotide. Among other things, it can be used as a biomarker in modern diagnostics, in detecting the disease, determining the prognosis or predicting the therapeutic response. Methylated DNA can be detected quantitatively by many different methods, both throughout the genome and at specific gene loci in various samples of biological origin, such as urine, plasma, and serum. The advantage is that many samples can be obtained by non-invasive methods. Although current conventional detection methods are effective, they have several disadvantages, such as expensive instrumentation, are time consuming, and often involve complicated protocols or require specialized handling. They are also relatively insensitive at the same time there is a high probability of false positive results. In order to overcome these obstacles, great efforts have been made to develop biosensors and sensors that are able to address these limitations. Not only do they enable fast, low-cost and efficient measurements, but they also offer easy handling for users. Due to their portability, simplicity, speed and low cost of measurement, the use of these biosensors as a possible alternative for the determination of methylated DNA to diagnose carcinogenicity or other serious diseases such as neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or obesity has increased.

Development of a novel diagnostic method for the detection of diseases from clinical samples using molecularly imprinted polymers
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP023
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Jaroslava Bezděková
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


The project is focused on the development of a new, reliable and unique diagnostic method. The great advantage of this method will be that the examined samples will be analyzed in their native state without the need for prior treatment. This work will focus on the diagnosis of cancer in clinical samples. The method is based on the detection of markers caused by the action of UV radiation on the urine of patients in whom the occurrence of cancer is presumed. The resulting markers will serve as indicators of the occurrence of cancer at an early stage. Isolation of markers will be ensured by means of molecularly imprinted polymer technology, which will enable their concentration and subsequent visualization. Based on the number of isolated markers, we will be able to confirm or refute the presumed patient’s diagnosis.

Development of Alternative novel Ruthenium-Schiff Base complex drug for deadly antibiotic resistant strains
Program: IGA IP
Number: AF-IGA2019-IP063
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Vishma Pratap Sur, MSc.
Project solution period: 2019 – 2019


Multidrug-resistant pathogens causing nosocomial and community acquired infections delineate a significant threat to public health. It had socio medical urged to identify new antimicrobials complex and this novel cause generated interest in studying coordination complex, which has been studied in the past for their antimicrobial activity. Staphylococcus aureus, including its modified generations like Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin resistant S. aureus (VRSA) are one of the primary cause of nosocomial infections associated with increased morbidity. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin resistant S. aureus are solely responsible for many life-threatening nosocomial infections in humans which increases the treatment duration and medical costs. On the other hand resistant Enterobacteriece, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acetobacter baumi are also very deadly carbapenam resistant strains. Throughout the world several peoples sied for those deadly resistant strains. They are also known to cause several mild to chronic infection in animals. The resistance against the last resort of drugs such as vancomycin, carbapenam and linezolid has emerged in the clinical isolates of S. aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acetobacter baumani which have further worsened the scenario. With the increasing mortality rate due to microbial resistant, there is an urgent need to look for new strategies to develop antibiotics to fight multidrug-resistant bacteria. Medical researchers are using various techniques and parameters to identify the new antibacterial products or new compounds with antimicrobial activity. Now-a-days there are various inhibitors of different mechanisms, like antimicrobial peptides derived from different biological peptide pipelines or proteomic source, and organic and inorganic synthetic compounds with antimicrobial activity which have been identified and studied. In quest of finding new complex compounds with antimicrobial activity along with the scarcity of new antibiotics in the pipeline, have drawn the focous towards development of Ruthenium (Ru) complexes with Schiff base as potential antibacterial compound. From several days Transition metals are in foucus od active compound and potential antibacterial agents. Ruthenium is the new interest in this field, which can form complex with another biologically active compounds. We already synthesized some good ruthenium based complex compound in our laboratoty. From preliminary findings we observe that they are very potential as antibacterial agent against last generation antibiotic resistant bacterial agents irrespective of gram strains.

The introduction of mass spectrometric techniques to proteomic study of
processes in bacterial infection of pigs
Program: IGA_TÝM
Number: AF-IGA-2018-tym005
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Ondřej Zítka, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2018 – 2019


The diseases of pigs, that negatively affect the economy of the breeding itself, include Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia. This bacterial infection, caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) from the family Pasteurellaceae, mainly affects the lung parenchymal tissue of the animal. Even though it is possible to fight against this infection using antimicrobial drugs, it may result in a death of the animal because of this respiratory disease. Compared to the existing knowledge in this area, in this project we strive for a more detailed explanation of the role of cell populations and their produced proteins in the pathogenesis of the disease using molecular-biological methods, and as an innovative approach we will involve MALDI-TOF MSI method for studying the spatial distribution of cytokines and other cell markers of lymphocytes, granulocytes and macrophages in lymphatic and pulmonary tissues of pigs. This will be supplemented by quantification and identification of the proteins by HPLC-ESI-QqTOF. The pigs from a breed with good epidemiological situation will be used to perform the experiment. One group of animals will be left untreated as a control group and the other will be infected. The determination of the spatial distribution of produced proteins will bring further useful knowledge of the pathogenesis of this economically important disease of pigs, which can also contribute to reducing the consumption of antimicrobials.

Composting of biodegradable waste from kitchens and catering (20 01 08) so-called food waste
Program: IGA_TÝM
Number: AF-IGA-2018-tym003
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Mgr. Stanislava Voběrková, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2018 – 2019


Composting has been used as a method to dispose food waste (FW) and recycle organic matter to improve soil structure and fertility. Considering the significance of composting in FW treatment, it is necessary to focus on how to improve FW composting efficiency, reduce operating cost and mitigate the associated environmental damage.
The project is focused on the study of the influence of various additives and their quantity on accelerating and improving the processing of food waste. At the same time, the use of ligninolytic fungi as recyclers of organic matter will be tested. To determine the maturity, stability and quality of the food waste during and at the end of the composting process, a wide range of methods such as chemical analysis, enzymatic activities, microbiological analysis and phytotoxicity tests. The main objective of the project is to create a comprehensive study of food waste composting and the knowledge gained will serve to develop a methodology for obtaining a high-quality final product with the lowest possible operating costs.

Sarcosine metabolism effect on regulation of calmodulin-controlled intracellular signaling in prostate cells
Program: IGA_IP
Number: AF-IGA-IP-2018/003
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Vladislav Strmiska
Project solution period: 2018 – 2018


The project focuses on the study of metabolic pathways of synthesis and intracellular signaling controlled by protein calmodulin (CaM) in prostate cancer and non-tumor cells. CaM is a calcium-binding protein that serves as an important intracellular signaling molecule, which can affect cell proliferation, including malignant transformation. The project will study not only the correlation between sarcosine supplementation and the expression level of CaM, CaM-dependent kinases, downstream signaling cascades, but also the effect on the proliferation or aggressiveness of the tested cells. Revealing the stimulatory relationship between saccosine and CaM, as well as its consequences, is the primary goal of the present project. A variety of biochemical and molecular biological methods will be used for the analyzes, including Western blotting, qRT-PCR, immunocytochemistry, functional analysis (down-regulation) using siRNA, together with the determination of cell proliferation, aggressiveness and invasiveness. The present project can significantly contribute to the understanding of the development and behavior of prostate tumors.

Effect of surfactants and polymers on stability of superparamagnetic nanoparticles and on immobilization and release of antitumor agents
Program: IGA_IP
Number: AF-IGA-IP-2018/007
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Hana Buchtelová
Project solution period: 2018 – 2018


The main goal of the project is the design and synthesis of superpamagnetic nanoparticles (? -Fe203) and their surface modification with bioactive substances, such as polyglycolic acid or polylactic acid, for the immobilization of cytostatics (dexorubicin, etoposide). The prepared structures will be characterized and their effect on tumor and non-tumor cell lines will be tested. From the point of view of physico-chemical properties, the characterization of morphology and collisional properties will be performed. Furthermore, these particles will be surface modified for more efficient cytostatic binding and stability. The modified particles will be further used for immobilization of cytostatics and the study of binding stability and release kinetics in various types of physiological environments. The project will also monitor cytotoxicity using MTT assays, as well as changes in cell adhesion and viability using the xCELLigence RTCA DP system, as well as the effect of modification on the induction of oxidative stress and the degree of internalization.

RNA interference for L-Galactono-1,4-Lactone Dehydrogenase and its effect on the biosynthesis of secondary metabolite in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Program: IGA_IP
Number: AF-IGA-IP-2018/055
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Martina Koláčková
Project solution period: 2018 – 2018


At present, great attention is paid to natural substances from unicellular algae. There are many efforts to increase their content, but the main problem remains the fact that many biosynthetic pathways have not yet been well studied. Great potential in the study of these processes and substances is seen in metabolic and genetic engineering. The main goal of the project is to use RNA interference (RNAi) to shut down the gene encoding the enzyme L-Galactono-1,4-Lactone Dehydrogenase (GLDH) involved in the biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid and subsequently monitor the consequences of its shutdown, focusing primarily on the amount and composition of carotenoids. polyphenols and flavonoids. The model organism will be Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Gene expression analysis will be performed by qRT-PCR. Identification of GLDH will be performed by immunoblotting. Next, RNAi will be verified by determining L-ascorbic acid by HPLC. Primary and secondary metabolites will be determined by liquid chromatography with a mass detector and spectrophotometrically.

Surface modifications of nanoparticles in order to regulate their interactions with biological environment
Program: IGA_IP
Number: AF-IGA-IP-2018/019
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Barbora Tesařová
Project solution period: 2018 – 2018


The main goal of the project is to study the effect of selected surface modifications of nanotransporters with encapsulated cytostatic drug on the mitigation of negative interactions with the biological environment. These negative interactions can manifest themselves in vivo by hemolysis, platelet aggregation or protein corona formation. The resulting protein corona cause surface changes in nanotransporters which often prevent the internalization of the drug into cells of malignant tissue. The project is aimed at biocompatible apoferritin, which forms a hollow protein skeleton into which cytostatic drug molecules will be encapsulated. Surface modification will be performed using selected polymers (PEG, PVP or POES), peptides (proline-alanine-serine) or natural polysaccharides (chitosan, dextran, or heparin). Furthermore, cytotoxic assays of nanotransporters with these surface modifications will be performed in order to identify the surface modification conferring apoferritin the highest degree of stability and biocompatibility under physiological conditions.

The potential risks of nanotechnology applications in cosmetic dermatology
Program: IGA_IP
Number: AF-IGA-IP-2018/016
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Zuzana Škubalová
Project solution period: 2018 – 2018


The main goal of the project is to study the effect of selected surface modifications of nanotransporters with encapsulated cytostatic drug on the mitigation of negative interactions with the biological environment. These negative interactions may be manifested in vivo by haemolysis, platelet aggregation or protein corona formation. The resulting protein corona cause surface changes in nanotransporters, which often prevent the internalization of the drug into cells of malignant tissue. The project is aimed at biocompatible apoferritin, which forms a hollow protein skeleton into which cytostatic drug molecules will be encapsulated. Surface modification will be performed using selected polymers (PEG, PVP or POES), peptides (proline-alanine-serine) or natural polysaccharides (chitosan, dextran, or heparin). Furthermore, cytotoxic assays of nanotransporters with these surface modifications will be performed in order to identify the surface modification conferring apoferritin the highest degree of stability and biocompatibility under physiological conditions.

Superparamagnetic particles and carbon dots for determination of amines
Program: IGA_IP
Number: AF-IGA-IP-2018/076
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: MSc. Milica Gagić
Project soltuion period: 2018 – 2018


The presence of biogenetic amines (BA) is a hallmark of degraded food and its products. BAs are defined as low molecular weight organic bases with biological activity. Formation of biogenic amines in food by the microbial decarboxylation of amino acids can lead to adverse reactions, especially in allergic suffering consumers, characterized by difficulty in breathing, itching, rash, vomiting, fever, and hypertension. In order to recognize the profile of biogenic amines in tested samples, particularly, we will attempt to describe two step assay, which starts with an histamine isolation using functionalized paragmatic particles and will be finished with its subsequent determination based on ion-exchange chromatography coupled with colorimetric detection using post-column derivatization.

Fluorescence in vivo imaging of plants
Program: IGA_Tým
Number: TP 1/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Markéta Vaculovičová, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2018


With regard to food safety, agriculture and the environment, it is extremely important to study the mechanism of distribution of biomolecules, microorganisms and possible toxic substances (pesticides or even nanomaterials) from soil to plant. Fluorescence in vivo imaging is a very powerful non-invasive tool for studying this transport in real time in living cells, tissues and organisms. This project therefore aims to test, optimize and use in vivo imaging techniques to monitor the transport of fluorescently labeled materials by plants. The project will introduce methods for the preparation of model substances – fluorescent molecules, nanomaterials and bacteria. The fluorescent materials thus formed will be applied to plants and monitored using fluorescence microscopy and an in vivo imaging system. The main goal of the project is to analyze the parameters of in vivo imaging technology (eg sensitivity, resolution, optimal emission wavelength, etc.) to monitor the distribution of fluorophores with different properties (size, charge, etc.) by the plant system.

Influence of nanoparticles on miRNA and secondary metabolite expression in Arabidopsis thaliana
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP 42/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Martina Koláčková
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


MicroRNAs are non-coding molecules that post-transcriptionally modulate gene expression. They play a pivotal role in the plant’s response to abiotic stress. Thanks to the rapid development of nanotechnologies, plants come into contact with a new stress factor – nanoparticles. The main goal of the project is to compare the toxicity of functionalized nanoparticles and heavy metal ions at the level of expense miRNAs, genes and secondary metabolites in young seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia (Col-0) ecotype). Markers of other abiotic factors such as drought and salinity will also be monitored. RT-qPCR will be used to study gene expense and miRNA. Heavy metals (in the medium or hydroponic solution and subsequently also in the dry matter of the seedlings) will be detected by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Antioxidant capacity will be tested by DPPH and FRAP (Ferric Reduction Ability of Plasma) methods. Primary and secondary metabolites will be determined by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LG-MS).

Analysis of total DNA methylation of unicellular green algae under the influence of abiotic stress factors
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP 2/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Bačová Romana
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


Epigenetic changes in genomic DNA (gDNA) play a very important role in regulating gene expression. The main mechanism of gDNA methylation is hypermethylation of CpG sites of specific sequences and global gDNA hypomethylation. Methylation of CpG motifs is mediated by DNA methyltransferase, which transfers methyl groups from S-adenosyl-L-methionine to the fifth carbon of cytosine. Changes in global hypo / hypermethylation of gDNA also occur due to various external conditions and in many cases also serve as a molecular biomarker. In plants, the issue of total gDNA methylation is well studied. However, in unicellular algae, not only the content of methylated cytosines in the genome of individual microalgae remains a question, but also their responses to abiotic stress factors. To answer these questions, not only the effect of stress factors on the content of methyl cytosines in the genome will be studied, but also the effect of stress factors on the metabolism of microalgae with hypomethylated gDNA, which will be induced by 5-azacytidine and zebularin.

Synthesis and characterization of upconversion nanoparticles bioconjugated to targeting ligands
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP 6/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Tereza Vaněčková
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


Upconversion nanoparticles, formed by rare earth metal ions, are considered a new generation of fluorescent materials for in vivo imaging due to their excellent physicochemical properties. The main goal of this project is the synthesis of particles with upconversion properties for fluorescence imaging of tumor tissue. These particles, formed by ions Yb (III) and Er (III), will have an excitation maximum in the near infrared region and an emission maximum in the visible region of the spectrum. Thanks to these so-called anti-Stokes properties, they will allow better excitation and reduction of the background signal. Tumor-targeting ligands will provide their specific imaging. The properties of the proposed nanoparticles will be evaluated by analytical methods (fluorescence spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection or mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma). The success of tumor targeting will be tested by immunochemical methods (gel and capillary electrophoresis, western blot).

Composites of nanocarbon materials and metal nanoparticles and their influence on pathogenic microorganisms
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP 20/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Zuzana Bytešníková
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


The main goal of the project is to create graphene oxide compounds with metal nanoparticles as an antimicrobial agent for pathogenic microorganisms. The project will focus on the synthesis of compounds based on graphene oxide, which will be tested as a carrier for metal nanoparticles. The proposed experiment describes the synthesis of graphene oxide compounds with metal nanoparticles (Ti, V, Nb, Sb, Bi) and their subsequent verification as a microbial agent for some bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), methieillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Escherichia coli (E. coli) The degree of exfoliation of graphene oxide compounds will be determined using a scanning electron microscope, and the adhesion of nanoparticles to the graphene oxide surface will be evaluated by scanning electron microscopy, and the nature of the composites will be verified by dynamic light scattering (DLS). free metal ions will be determined by differential pulse voltometry.

Development of a methodological procedure for conducting nutritional studies in the field of antioxidant metabolism
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP_2017/067
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Žaneta Burianová
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


The main goal of this project is to develop an optimization method for assessing the redox state of the organism through accurate measurement of the GSH / GSSG ratio in the blood. Glutathione (β-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine) is an endogenous antioxidant that plays an important role in cellular defense against oxidative damage. Free glutathione is present in both reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) forms. Oxidative stress leads to a reduction in GSH levels and thus to a change in the GSH / GSSG ratio, which can be used as an indicator of oxidative stress and at the same time an indicator of the development of various diseases. Therefore, it can be assumed that in the case of appropriate nutritional supplementation, a change in the GSH / GSSG ratio will be observed, which would open up possibilities for the application of this procedure in rapid diagnosis (Point of care testing, POCT). The optimized method of sampling and the analysis itself will be used to determine the redox state of the organism after ingestion of various supplements such as coffee and tea. The resulting data will then be evaluated and processed.

Comparison of the effect of nanoparticles containing zinc with inorganic zinc compounds used in agriculture on Helianthus annuus
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP 28/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Helena Štuříková
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


The main goal of this project is to evaluate the influence of zinc-containing nanoparticles (CdTe / Zn, ZnO, etc.) on the representatives of dicotyledonous plants Helianthus annuus L., and to compare their effect with the influence of commonly used zinc-containing fertilizers. The effect on plant germination and growth, the effect on stress markers (antioxidant activities, stress proteins and others) and the amount of zinc in plants will be monitored. Nanoparticles will be characterized by measuring the zeta potential.

Development of new antimicrobial composites against resistant bacterial strains
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP 10/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Pavlína Jelínková
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


The main goal of the project is the synthesis of new antimicrobial composites and the study of their effect on resistant strains of bacteria, especially of the genus Staphylococcus aureus. At the same time, toxicity to healthy cell lines will be monitored. The composite will be synthesized from various types of antibiotics and the peptide Hecate, which has the ability to drill holes in the cell membranes of bacteria and thus inhibit their growth, compared to antibiotics, the effect of which is rapidly declining today. The compounds used will be characterized by mass spectrometry. The antimicrobial effect of antibiotics, Hecate peptide and the newly synthesized composite will be monitored and the effect will be compared using the disk dilution method, determining growth properties based on measuring the absorbance of bacterial cultures and assessing microbial cell viability by fluorescence microscopy. The effect of cell line viability after application of compounds and composites will be evaluated spectrophotometrically using the MTT assay.

Toxicity testing of precious metal nanoparticles with the possibility of use in anticancer treatment
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP 16/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Hana Buchtelová
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


The main goal of the project is to create nanoparticles of precious metals (such as ruthenium, palladium, or rhodium), their characterization and influence on tumor and non-tumor cell lines. First, noble metal nanoparticles will be formed and these particles will be characterized in terms of optical and colloidal properties, size and hemocompatibility. The project will also monitor the cytotoxicity of the formed nanoparticles using screening tests such as MTT, and the xCELLigence RTCA DP system will monitor changes in cell adhesion, proliferation and viability of tumor and non-tumor cells after the test nanoparticles.

Design and preparation of an electrochemical biosensor for the detection of toxic substances
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP 37/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Zuzana Koudelková
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


Contamination of the environment with heavy metals is a current global problem. The biggest pollution is in areas with industry. Water plays an important role in the transport of heavy metals. Heavy metals are often trapped in sediments, their cycle becomes part of food chains, and there is considerable bioaccumulation, especially in fish. Increased concentrations of these metals in fish meat represent one of the many important possibilities for heavy metals to enter the human body. Even relatively low concentrations of heavy metal ions already result in irreversible and serious changes to human health. The possibility of fast, operative and sensitive monitoring of the concentration of heavy metals in the environment is therefore a highly topical and necessary issue. The aim of the presented project is to create an innovative biosensor that would be sufficiently stable, selective and would serve for rapid and sensitive determination of heavy metals, while converting this biosensor into a printed form.

Study of the effects of major phenolic substances from spices and their extracts on tumor cell lines
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP 33/2017
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Zuzana Lacková
Project solution period: 2017 – 2017


This project consists of two main objectives. The first goal is to test the effect of the majority of phenolic substances represented in eight types of spices on two lines of tumor cells and one line of healthy cells. The second goal is to study the effect of the extract from individual types of spices in two lines of tumor cells and in one line of healthy cells. From the tumor cells, the PNT1 line (healthy cells), the 22RV1 line (tumor cells inside the prostate) and the LNCaP line (tumor cells of prostate metastases) will be used. Among the tested types of spices, marjoram, oregano, anise, thyme, sweet pepper, cumin, cinnamon and black pepper will be used. For the individual goals of this project, the cell lines used will always be evaluated for their cellular metabolic activity using the MTT test, the qualification of cell proliferation and the change in morphology in real time using the xCELLigence device. Last but not least, any changes in morphology in individual cell lines will be monitored using a fluorescence microscope.

Research into the effect of dietary intervention using oils with a high content of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid on the wound healing process
Program: IGA_TÝM
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Veronika Rozíková, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2018


The influence of additives on the rheological behavior of food and raw materials intended for their production
Program: IGA_TÝM
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Vojtěch Kumbár, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2018


Alternative sources of protein in livestock nutrition
Program: IGA_TÝM
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: doc. Ing. Pavel Horký, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2018


Specific targeting of a protein nanotransporter with encapsulated cytostatics for tumor cells
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP_28/2016
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Dostálová Simona
Project solution period: 2016 – 2016


Project will be focused on the encapsulation of doxorubicin drug in the apoferritin protein, its
modification with specific targeting antibodies and the influence of this nanocarrier on healthy and
cancer cell lines. The pH-responsive structure of apoferritin allows for easy encapsulation protocol.

Peptide modified carbon nanotubes for drug delivery
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP_7/2016
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Vedran Milosavljevic
Project solution period: 2016 – 2016


The main goal of the project is to create Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) as nanocarriers for the transport of doxorubicin into cancer tissue. The project will focus on the synthesis of peptides penetrating prostate cancer cells (SMS) and their modification by MWCNT, which will ensure better penetration of the nanocarrier into cancer cells. The interaction of doxorubicin-coated MWCNTs and their interaction with the penetrating peptide will be studied. The nanotransporters formed will be characterized by fluorescence measurements to determine the amount of doxorubicin bound to MWCNT and to test the stability of the complex formed. Mass measurements (MALDI) will be used to confirm the interaction of doxorubicin and the SMS peptide on the MWCNT. Differential pulse voltammetry will also be used to detect all three components (doxorubicin, peptide and MWCNT). The amino acid sequence of the peptide and the binding of the peptide to doxorubicin will be determined by HPLC derivatization with ninhydrin and elemental analysis. Fluorescence microscopy will be used to confirm the penetration of the complex into the cells. Furthermore, the selectivity of the complex to cancer cells and antitumor activity will be monitored, and cell viability will also be monitored using the MTT assay.

Design and preparation of modified electrical materials for detection of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, As
Program: IGA_IP
Number: IP_19/2016
Provider: Mendelu
Investigator: Ing. Zuzana Koudelková
Project solution period: 2016 – 2016


Contamination of water by heavy metals belong to global problems threatening the ecological balance. It is necessary to purified waste water. The project aims to create a sensitive electrode material for the detection of maximum allowable concentrations of lead, cadmium, zinc, copper and arsenic.

Analysis of zinc binding proteins and peptides
Program: IGA_TÝM
Number: TP_01_2015
Provider: MENDELU
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2014 – 2016


Zinc is one of the most important essential elements, it is a part of indispensable biomolecules and it plays a key role in many biochemical processes. Therefore, a detailed understanding of its function and occurrence, as well as its bioavailability, is extremely important. This project aims to use modern bioanalytical methods, such as mass spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis or fluorescence microscopy, to study zinc-binding peptides and proteins, including those rich in sulfur, which include the metallothionein protein. The project will also design, test and optimize a method of affinity capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection suitable for the detection of zinc released online from biomolecules. Last but not least, zinc and its complexes will be studied from the point of view of nutritional supplement on model organisms (rats).

Influence of selenium on the quality of plant and animal production from the point of view of health safety
Program: IGA_TÝM
Number: TP_02_2015
Provider: MENDELU
Investigator: Ing. Petr Mareš, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2014 – 2016


The anticipated research project, as well as the previous IGA AF MENDELU projects, which we follow up on, unifies the view of animal nutrition in its solution. The project focuses on basic research on the effects of selenium on plant and animal organisms. The project focuses on a comprehensive solution to problems in relation to plant and animal health with a direct link to efficiency. The main idea of ​​the project is the use of selenium from various forms for plant and animal nutrition. The experiment will include different species of fodder (Trifolium pretense, Poa pratensis, Lolium perenne) in which different sources of selenium (sodium selenite, selenate and selenium bound to a sugar carrier) will be tested by extra-root nutrition. The complexity of the project will consist in dosing not only selenium to plant species, but also to animals (poultry, rats). Sodium selenite, slenomethionine, sugar-bound selenium will also be used here as the main source of selenium. In plants and animals, the influence of different forms of haystack on their antioxidant status, performance and health will be monitored. This project will therefore provide comprehensive information on the use of selenium from different sources of selenium in the soil, which will also increase the added value of this project. The implementation of the project includes six sub-objectives, which will be achieved through experimental monitoring for a period of 22 months of the project.

Partner Network for Bionanotechnological and Metallomic Research
Program: OP Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost
Number: CZ.1.07/2.4.00/31.0023
Provider: MŠMT
Co-investigator: prof. Ing. René Kizek, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2012 – 2014


The main objective of the project is to create a partner network among public universities ( BUT, MENDELU , MU ) and private enterprises ( MTE , Clonestar , Radanal , VUP ) in bionanotechnology and metallomy linked to emerging centers of excellence withinfrastructure support ( CEITEC FNUSA- ICRC) and international activities of UNEP. Individual teams between relevant research activities , however the potential cooperation remains untapped due to administrative complications . Intensify their cooperation in the partner network has significantly improved communication and lead to the preparation of joint projects in national and pan-European financial activities. Sub-objectives of the project are : a) the interconnection of individual research groups and a partner network , b) a significant connection to major infrastructure projects and CEITEC FNUSA -ICRC c) links to other international activities of UNEP , WHO , d) increase and strengthen the technological and organizational background each partner networks , e) seminars.

International Cooperation in the Field of Nanotechnologies with In Vivo Imaging Techniques
Program: OP Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost
Number: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0148
Provider: MŠMT
Investigator: Mgr. Eva Martincová, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2012 – 2014


Tha main goal is to create the research network amongst five institutions (Czech Rep., UK, SK, Spain, Bulgaria) in the field of implementation of electronic laboratory systems with regards of their practical use in in vivo nanobiotechonological applications. Research teams cooperate on partial tasks from nanotechnology however there is sill unused potential due to the administrative burdens in the field of coordination of research activities, lack of background for sharing achieved results and lack of resources for mobility of research workers. So partial targets are the following: connecting of research groups, pilot test of electronic laboratory diaries, increasing and strenghtening of the technology background.

Building research teams and developing university education of research experts for micro- and nanotechnologies (NANOTEAM)
Program: OP Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost
Number: CZ.1.07/2.3/.00/09.0224
Provider: MŠMT
Investigator: doc. Ing. Jaromír Hubálek, Ph.D.
Project solution project: 2011 – 2013


In the project, we want to maximally support the acquisition of new promising scientists for the fields in the field of micro- and nanotechnologies by organizing a workshop, through newspapers, radio or television and targeted lectures at various scientific institutions. Doctoral students, postdoctoral staff and experienced researchers will be addressed as potential candidates for scientific work in the fields of these advanced technologies.
The aim of the project will be to train them for highly professional work in these advanced technologies to a top level with the help of experts from BUT, MENDELU and other institutions from the Czech Republic and abroad. Scientific and pedagogical staff from the following BUT institutes will participate in the project implementation: Department of Microelectronics and Department of Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies, Department of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Physical and Consumer Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry. And also one partner institution, the Faculty of Agriculture from Mendel University, with which a successful cooperation has been established in the past at the level of applications of nanosensors in biomedicine and pharmacy.

Influence of metallothionein on binding of platinum cytostatics to DNA in cancer cells
Program: AZV
Number: 15-28334A
Provider: MZ ČR
Investigator: prof. MUDr. Tomáš Eckschlager, CSc.
Project solution period: 2015 – 2019


The objective of the project is to study the binding of platinum cytostatics to DNA of human tumor cells (cell lines including chemoresistant ones, tumor samples obtained from patients) and the influences of metallothionein (MT) on this interaction. Amounts of platinum bound to DNA influence successfulness of their anticancer effect. Newly developed electrochemical methods, will be used as an analytical tool for study of Pt-DNA and Pt-MT complexes. Liposome based transporter carrying platinum cytostatics, as well as carrying MTs and/or zinc ions that can modulate the response of cancer cells to treatment with platinum cytostatics will be prepared and tested in vitro and in vivo. We assume that our results and developed techniques will improve usage of platinum cytostatics and will help to reveal the mechanisms of resistance to those cytostatics. Another benefit will be the introduction of new electrochemical method for determination of Pt and its interaction with DNA and MT that may be helpful for clinical practice.

Study and characterization of tumour cell lines of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and their malignant potential.
Program: Resortní program výzkumu a vývoje Ministerstva zdravotnictví III
Number: NT14337
Provider: MZ ČR
Investigator: RNDr. Michal Masařík, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2013 – 2015


It will be conducted a clinical trial, which aims to analyze the aggressiveness and malignant potential of tumour cells in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in the immunodeficient mouse model and further analyze known tumour markers and metabolism of heavy metals in connection with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The project’s importance lies in the design of new methodologies to accelerate and to increase the sensitivity of tumour markers determination. There will also be specified and analyzed a new tumour bioindicators. Along with the establishment of new techniques, standard methods of molecular biology and biochemistry will be utilized for determination of the gene expression of the target molecules.

Tumor markers, their determination and correlation with prostate carcinoma
Program: Resortní program výzkumu a vývoje – MZ II na léta 2008 – 2011
Number: NS10200
Provider: MZ ČR
Investigator: RNDr. Michal Masařík, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2009 – 2011


Detailed analysis focused on individual tumour markers in correlation with prostate carcinoma in combination with new physiochemical methodology that accelerate and increase the sensitivity of their determination will performed.

Nanoparticles zinc as an alternative to antibiotics in pigs
Program: NAZV
Number: QK1720349
Provider: MZE
Investigator: Ing. Pavel Horký, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2019


The project aims to develop and test innovative form of zinc based on nanotechnology (nanocomplexes zinc). New, innovative form of zinc will be accessible to the organism in comparison with today’s conventional sources. The main objective of the project is to utilize the antibacterial properties of zinc to reduce the use of antibiotics in pigs (piglets). Attention will be focused on reducing the use of antibiotics and high doses of zinc (zinc oxide), particularly in piglets (reduction of diarrheal disease). In piglets will be conducted microbiological analysis of feces. They will also evaluate production traits of pigs from birth through each category to slaughter.

Development and optimization methods for the determination of biogenic amines in response to increasing health security of silage
Program: KUS
Number: QJ1310100
Provider: MZE
Investigator: Ing. Daniela Knotová doc., Ing. Jiří Skládanka, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2013 – 2017


The aims of project is increase the production potential of agricultural crops and livestock, to introduce new methods, processes and systems to increase the competitiveness of Czech agriculture, not least, to introduce management systems to limit the negative impact of climate change. The aims will be achieved by improving the quality of health and safety of forage through the use of diference speaces of perennial legumes and grasses and timely capture of canning feed containing biogenic amines. Hypothesis: Early detection of conserved feed contaminated with biogenic amines and clostridia will reduce economic losses to farm and contribute to the profitability of primary agricultural production.

Innovative electrochemical flow cell with renewable working electrode for voltammetric
Program: ZÉTA
Number: TJ01000322
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: Ing. Lukáš Nejdl Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2018 – 2019


The aim of the project is to create a robust flow electrochemical cell with a chemically renewable
working electrode. The auto-regenerative electrode allows for performance of number of analyzes without having to replace or otherwise interfere with the device. The specific aims include:
I) Optimization, characterization and analyte selection with respect to analytical parameters of the
developed cell (repeatability, reproducibility, sensitivity, limits of detection/quantification,
linear dynamic range, etc.)
II) Design of the optimal technical solution of the device employing the renewable electrode
III) Testing and optimization of the proposed system under laboratory as well as in situ conditions

Automated electrochemical analyzator for liquid sample using disposable one-use electrodes
Program: ZÉTA
Number: TJ01000311
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: Ing. Zuzana Koudelková, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2018 – 2019


This project aims to design, produce and completely evaluate the fuction of the instrument of compact dimensions for fully automated electrochemical analysis of liquid samples using disposable screen printed electrodes.

Program: GAMA PoC
Number: TG02010074
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: RNDr. Lukáš Richtera, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2018 – 2019


The proposed technological solution represents an unprecedented approach enabling miniaturization and at the same time automation of polarographic equipment. The device uses the natural properties of mercury to create the perfect drop on a smooth surface. An accurately measured amount of mercury in the form of a drop loosely stored in a profiled tank ensures sufficient accuracy and reproducibility of measurements. This eliminates the complicated connection of the working electrode, problems with capillary defects, etc. The handling of mercury is also precisely solved. While in the case of conventional polarographs the operator is usually forced to come into contact with mercury, ie quite often to replace or clean the mercury, or to remove mercury after measurement, the proposed solution contains special fillings that ensure completely contactless handling of this metal and its 100% recycling.

Equipment for simultaneous electrochemical analysis of samples using SPE
Program: GAMA PoC
Number: TG02010074
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: Ing. Jiří Kudr, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2018 – 2019


The proposed technology aims to create a device that allows in automated operation with minimal demands on human operators to perform simultaneous electrochemical analysis of unknown samples, or surface modification / treatment based on wet chemistry, up to 8 electrodes at a time. A key part of the technology is a specially designed holder for automated attachment and non-destructive detachment of electrodes with the possibility of storage in a container. Ancillary components of the system are a three-axis positioning device with precision stepper motors that ensure electrode transfer via a holder between target positions, a multi-channel potentiostat for electrode control and signal evaluation, and a fluidic unit for transporting liquid buffers and samples. In this arrangement, the device significantly shortens the total analysis time (in this embodiment by up to 8x) and increases the accuracy of the analysis.

Mycotoxin nanoabsorbents in the feed industry
Program: ZÉTA
Number: TJ01000116
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: doc. Ing. Pavel Horký, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2018 – 2019


The aim of the project is to develop a revolutionary form of nanoabsorbent mycotoxins. In the first year of the solution (1-12 months), the method of synthesis of carbon nanoparticles with affinity for selected mycotoxins will be optimized. In the second year (13-24 months), the nanoabsorbent of mycotoxins will be tested by the in vivo method, so that the final product can be used in production conditions. The project will contribute to the fulfillment of the goal of the Zéta program, namely the Sustainability of Energy and Material Resources. In essence, the project deals with the expansion of the material base with the help of advanced nanomaterials (3.1.4.). The project has a direct link to the priorities of national research, namely the expansion of the material base for the development of new products using nanotechnologies (3.2.3.) And improving the health of the population of the Czech Republic (3.5.).

Use of zinc nanoparticles for plant protection against light stress
Program: GAMA PoC
Number: TG201707
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: Mgr. Olga Kryštofová, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2018


Our technology is based on nanomaterials, which have potential both in the field of plant nutrition and in the field of primary protection against light stress. The main goal of this project is to compare new nanomaterials based on zinc with currently commonly used protective chemicals and their effect on plants. After proving the suitability of nanoparticles for plants, an experiment will be performed under real conditions.

Automated testing of analytical electrodes in a liquid sample
Program: GAMA PoC
Number: TG201710
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: RNDr. Ondřej Zítka, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2017 – 2018


The proposed technology defines the design and function of an automated system that allows, with minimal demands on human staff, to test the functionality of large series of manufactured screen-printed electrodes. The system can be fitted with a 3-axis XYZ handling device with sufficiently precise stepper motors. The technology prepared in this way allows the electrode to be gripped from the reservoir into a specially adapted head, the electrode transferred to the measuring solution, the measuring sequence started and the analysis results recorded, the electrode removed from the measuring solution and the electrode placed in a defined space. The technology includes the design and mechanical elements of the control, the evaluation program, the control program and the 3-axis handling system are optional components of the whole system, however, it must have the required technological interface.

Metal nanoparticles in the treatment of bacterial infections
Program: GAMA PoC
Number: TG02010074
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: Mgr. Dagmar Hegerová, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2016 – 2017


Our technology is based on nanomaterials. In our case, these materials are nanoparticles of metals, which have a demonstrable antimicrobial properties, so they are highly effective in eliminating the formation and spread of bacteria, bacterial infections. The main goal of this project is to test and especially refute the possible negative effect on eukaryotic cells. The negative effect will be tested for toxicity, mutagenicity and hemolytic activity. After demonstrating the suitability of nanoparticles for the human / animal organism, a direct link to a commercial entity in the form of MedicProgress, a.s. The Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry is already successfully cooperating with this company and the company has already expressed interest in a product usable in human / veterinary medicine for the treatment of bacterial infections based on market demand.

A complex fertilizer enriched with nanoselen to increase the nutritional value of feed
Program: GAMA PoC
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: doc. Ing. Jiří Skládanka, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2016 – 2017


Complex fertilizer for plants is based on the supply of basic micro and macro elements (P, K, Ca, Mg) and nitrogen. The added value of the fertilizer is based on the supply of nanoselen. It is a new technology for the production of organic selenium based on the use of advanced nano and micromaterials. It is an innovative technology currently used by many industries (eg medicine, mining and food). At present, nanotechnologies are also slowly being developed into agriculture. Due to the fact that the content of selenium in the soils of the Czech Republic is one of the lowest in the EU and selenium is an essential element for the health of all organisms, selenium supplementation is gaining in importance.

Innovative printed sensor for detecting the presence of heavy metals in aqueous media
Program: EPSILON
Number: TH01030389
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: Ing. Jaroslav Lev, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2015 – 2017


Innovative printed sensor for detecting the presence of heavy metals in the aquatic environment. The aim is to design a process for the production of cheap sensors capable of quickly and cheaply determining the content of heavy metals in the aqueous environment. The sensor enables easy and fast detection of pollutants in emergencies. It will be an operational identification element to assist rescue units in determining the degree of impact in the immediate vicinity of a contamination point, thereby speeding up the prioritization of the direction of intervention against spreading contamination. The proposed sensors can also be used in the system of wastewater treatment plants and verification analyzes of small water sources. The users of the system will be rescue services, technologists in treatment plants and water treatment plants. The launch is planned immediately after the end of the project.

Centre for Innovative Use and Strengthening of Competitiveness of Czech Brewery Raw Materials and Products
Program: TE – centra kompetence
Number: TE02000177
Provider: TAČR
Investigator: doc. Ing.Radim Cerkal, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2014 – 2016


The project’s objective is to promote competitiveness and profitability of Czech food industry and related industries. For this purpose, a unique consortium that will join renowned public and private research organizations will be established. All consortium partners have been involved in creating trends in the strategic fields – raw material (barley, hop), brewing, malting, feed industry, food and chemical industries. A multidisciplinary approach in terms of inter-connection of know-how, top technical equipment, and previous experience with application of R&D results guarantees a high application potential. The activities divided into logically linked work packages will generate these key results: A. Products – Products based on biologically active barley, hop and other plant substances with health benefits, – Extruded germinated barley grains, – Enzymatically active malt-based additives for feed mixtures, – Phytohormonal preparation for regulation of barley germination, – Hop preparation for simultaneous moderation of bitterness and colors of beers and beverages, and its manufacturing procedure, – Unfiltered beers with longer shelf life, – Pale lager beer and low-alcohol pale beer with special hop-wort preparation, B. Technologies, utility designs, methodologies – System of hop protection against harmful agents, – Analytical model of a sensor to assess sensorial damage of beers, – Evaluation system of wheat varieties intended for brewing purposes, – Methodology for growing barley for Czech beer under ecological conditions, – Antimicrobial beer filter based on nanomaterials, – Membrane filters to improve filtration capacity of Czech beer, Multimethodology for contaminants detection, – Reactor for new hop preparation production, – Markers for authenticity confirmation of barley and hop, – Traceability markers of Czech beer, – Equipment for grains processing using low-temperature plasma discharge.

Development and innovation of new nanomaterials for targeted modification of vascular grafts
Program: ALFA
Number: TA01010088
Provider: TAČR
Co-investigator: doc. Ing. René Kizek, Ph.D.
Project solution period: 2011 – 2015


The proposed project will use the chitosan and chitosan derivatives, hyaluronic acid and their complexes with ions of silver and copper to modify existing collagen vascular grafts and, moreover, we have already developed vascular grafts enriched with adiponectin. We will attempt to prepare vascular grafts with antibacterial treatment, which would further improve the throughput and endothelization. Vascular grafts will be tested in cell cultures, at which we will monitor the growth and viability. We will focus our attention on the impact of chemotherapy, especially doxorubicin, on cell growth on vascular grafts with added value in comparison with conventional grafts. Successful use of research and development project will also bring indirect economic benefits. Introduction of new medical devices to both domestic and foreign markets will increase the competitiveness of the company, which will increase the prestige in the eyes of both the professional community and in the eyes of competitors.