Laboratoř syntézy a charakterizace nanomateriálů

Výzkumný směr skupiny je soustředěn na syntézu a charakterizaci nanomateriálů,  jež jsou  dále určeny pro bioaplikaci nebo se používají k elektrochemické detekci cílových analytů. Materiály, které syntetizujeme, dále dělíme na kovové, magnetické, uhlíkové nanočástice, polymerní nanočástice, kovové sloučeniny, peptidy a liposomy.  Spolupracujeme s různými výzkumnými skupinami, které testují námi připravené nanokompozity a nanomateriály na bakteriích, buněčných liniích, řasách, rybách a savcích.


Naše výzkumná témata

  • Syntéza nanomateriálů
  • Charakterizace biologických vzorků
  • Charakterizace nanomateriálů
  • Mapování povrchových materiálů elektrochemickým skenovacím mikroskopem



  • Dynamický rozptyl světla (Malvern Panalytical)
  • Rentgenový fluorescenční spetrometr (XEPOS)
  • Rastrovací elektronový mikroskop s Cryo režimem (TESCAN)
  • Infračervený spektroskop s Fourierovou transformací (Bruker)
  • Elementární analyzátor CHNS/O (Thermo Fisher)
  • Mikroanalytické váhy (Mettler Toledo)
  • …další standardní vybavení – sušárna, váhy, magnetické míchačky, pH metr…

Možnost využití přístrojového vybavení v rámci CEITEC – mikroskop atomárních sil (AFM), konfokální Ramanův mikroskop, transmisní elektronový mikroskop (TEM), rentgenová difrakce (XRD), rentgenová fotoelektronová spektroskopie (XPS), energeticky disperzní rentgenová spektroskopie (EDX).


Ing. Zuzana Bytešníková, Ph.D.

Vedoucí laboratoře syntézy a charakterizace nanomateriálů
Akademická pracovnice – odborná asistentka

Telefon: +420 545 133 249
Adresa pracoviště: ÚCB AF, Zemědělská 1, 61300 Brno – Budova D
Označení kanceláře: BA02N2016
ORCID: 0000-0003-1648-8517
Researcher ID: P-5035-2018
Scopus ID: 57201821000

Členové týmu

  • Ing. Pavel Švec, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Jana Pekárková, Ph.D.
  • Soumajit Mukherjee, MSc.
  • Nanomateriály pro ochranu rostlin
  • Nanomateriály pro aplikaci v zemědělské praxi
  • Uhlíkaté nanomateriály a jejich kompozity pro bioaplikace
  • Volné téma


  • TAČR Gama:  Technologie přípravy antimikrobiálních grafenových nanoformulací pro polymerní kompozitní filamenty pro 3D tisk (2021, Bytešníková)
  • IGA project: Composites of Nanocarbon Materials with Metal Nanoparticles and their Effect against Pathogenic Bacteria (2017, Bytešníková)


  • ASHRAFI, A.; BYTESNIKOVA, Z.; BAREK, J.; RICHTERA, L.; ADAM, V. A Critical Comparison of Natural Enzymes and Nanozymes in Biosensing and Bioassays. Biosens. Bioelectron.2021, vol. 192. p. 1-18. ISSN 0956-5663. IF 10.618
  • PECENKA, J.; BYTESNIKOVA, Z.; KISS, M.; PENAZOVA, E.; BARANEK, M.; EICHMEIER, A.; TEKIELSKA, D.; RICHTERA, L.; POKLUDA, R.; ADAM, V. Silver nanoparticles eliminate Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in cabbage seeds more efficiently than hot water treatment. Mater. Today Commun.2021, vol. 27. p. 1-8. ISSN 2352-4928. IF 3.383
  • JANOVA, A.; KOLACKOVA, I.; BYTESNIKOVA, Z.; CAPAL, P.; CHALOUPSKY, P.; SVEC, P.; RIDOSKOVA, A.; CERNEI, N.; KLEJDUS, B.; RICHTERA, L.; ADAM, V.; HUSKA, D. New insights into mechanisms of copper nanoparticle toxicity in freshwater algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: Effects on the pathways of secondary metabolites. Algal Res.2021, vol., p. 1-11. ISSN 2211-9264. IF 4.401
  • Bytesnikova Z, Adam V, Richtera L (2021) Graphene oxide as a novel tool for mycotoxin removal. Food Control 121: 1-9. clanek IF 4.258
  • Mukherjee, S., Bytesnikova, Z., Ashrafi, A., Adam, V., Richtera, L. (2020). Graphene Oxide as a Nanocarrier for Biochemical Molecules: Current Understanding and Trends. Processes, 8(12), 1636. clanek IF 2.735
  • Sedlackova E, Bytesnikova Z, Birgusova E, Svec P, Ashrafi AM, Estrela P, Richtera L (2020) Label-free DNA biosensor using modified reduced graphene oxide platform as a DNA methylation assay. Materials 13: 1-12. clanek IF 3.057
  • Mukherjee A, Ashrafi AM, Svec PRichtera L, Adam V, Pribyl J, Brtnicky M, Kynicky J (2020) The effect of synthesis procedure on hydrogen peroxidase-like catalytic activity of iron oxide magnetic particles. Appl Sci-Basel 10: 1-12. clanek IF 2.474
  • M. Gagic, S. Kociova, K. Smerkova, H. Michalkova, M. Setka, P. Svec, J. Pribyl, J. Masilko, R. Balkova, Z. Heger, L. Richtera, V. Adam and V. Milosavljevic, One-pot synthesis of natural amine-modified biocompatible carbon quantum dots with antibacterial activity, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 580 (2020), pp. 30-48.
  • Sur VP, Mazumdar A, Ashrafi AM, Mukherjee S, Milosavljevic V, Michalkova H, Kopel P, Richtera L, Moulick A (2020) A novel biocompatible titanium–gadolinium quantum dot as a bacterial detecting agent with high antibacterial activity. Nanomaterials 10: 1-19. clanek IF 4.034
  • Sur VP, Mazumdar A, Kopel P, Mukherjee S, Vitek P, Michalkova H, Vaculovicova M, Moulick A (2020) A novel ruthenium based coordination compound against pathogenic bacteria Int J Mol Sci 21: 1-18. clanek IF 4.183
  • Milosavljevic V, Jamroz E, Gagic M, Haddad Y, Michalkova H, Balkova R, Tesarova B, Moulick A, Heger Z, Richtera L, Kopel P, Adam V (2020) Encapsulation of Doxorubicin in Furcellaran/Chitosan Nanocapsules by Layer-by-Layer Technique for Selectively Controlled Drug Delivery.’Biomacromolecules 21: 418-434. clanek IF 5.667
  • Gagic M, Nejdl L, Xhaxhiu K, Cernei N, Zitka O, Jamroz E, Svec P, Richtera L, Kopel P, Milosavljevic V, Adam V (2020) Fully automated process for histamine detection based on magnetic separation and fluorescence detection. Talanta 212: 1-10. clanek IF 4.916
  • Michalkova H, Skubalova Z, Sopha H, Strmiska V, Tesarova B, Dostalova S, Svec P, Hromadko L, Motola M, Macak JM, Adam V, Heger Z (2020) Complex cytotoxicity mechanism of bundles formed from self-organised 1-D anodic TiO2 nanotubes layers. J Hazard Mater 388: 1-12. clanek IF 7.650
  • Jamroz E, Kopel P, Tkaczewska J, Dordevic D, Jancikova S, Kulawik P, Milosavljevic V, Dolezelikova K, Smerkova K, Svec P, Adam V (2019) Nanocomposite furcellaran films – The influence of nanofillers on functional properties of furcellaran films and effect on linseed oil preservation. Polymers 11: 1-17. clanek IF 3.164
  • Durovic, A.; Stojanovic, Z.; Kravic, S.; Kos, J.; Richtera, L.; Electrochemical Determination of Vitamin D3 in Pharmaceutical Products by Using Boron Doped Diamond Electrode . Electroanalysis 2019, in press, . DOI: 10.1002/elan.201900532 .
  • Bytesnikova, Z.; Richtera, L.; Smerkova, K.; Adam, V.; The graphene oxide as a tool for antibiotic resistance genes removal: A review. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2019, 26, 20148-20163. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-05283-y.
  • Jamroz, E.; Kopel, P.; Juszczak, L.; Kawecka, A.; Bytesnikova, Z.; Milosavljevic, V.; Makarewicz, M.; Development of furcellaran-gelatin films with Se-AgNPs as an active packaging system for extension of mini kiwi shelf life. Food Packaging Shelf 2019, 21, 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.fpsl.2019.100339.
  • Jamroz, E.; Kulawik, P.; Kopel, P.; Balkova, R.; Hynek, D.; Bytesnikova, Z.; Gagic, M.; Milosavljevic, V.; Adam, V.; Intelligent and active composite films based on furcellaran: Structural characterization, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Food Packaging Shelf 2019, 22, 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.fpsl.2019.100405 .
  • Brtnicky, M.; Pecina, V.; Hladky, J.; Radziemska, M.; Koudelkova, Z.; Klimanek, M.; Richtera, L.; Adamcova, D.; Elbl, J.; Galiova, M. V.; Balakova, L.; Kynicky, J.; Smolikova, V.; Houska, J.; Vaverkova, M. D.; Assessment of phytotoxicity, environmental and health risks of historical urban park soils. Chemosphere 2019, 220, 678-686. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.12.188.
  • Buchtelova, H.; Skubalova, Z.; Strmiska, V.; Michalek, P.; Kociova, S.; Smerkova, K.; Kruszynski,; Bienko,; Kaj,; Lewinska,; Bienko,; Malik-Gajewska,; Milosavljevic,; Kopel,; Heger,; Adam, V.; Synthesis and structural characterization of antimicrobial binuclear copper (II) coordination compounds bridged by hydroxy- and/or thiodipropionic acid. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2019, 191, 8-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2018.10.011.
  • Jimenez Jimenez, A. M.; Moulick, A.; Bhowmick, S.; Strmiska, V.; Gagic, M.; Horakova, Z.; Kostrica, R.; Masarik, M.; Heger, Z.; Adam, V.; One-step detection of human papilloma viral infection using quantum dot-nucleotide interaction specificity. Talanta 2019, 205, 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2019.07.006.
  • Milosavljevic, V.; Jamroz, E.; Gagic, M.; Haddad, Y.; Michalkova, H.; Balkova, R.; Tesarova, B.; Moulick, A.; Heger, Z.; Richtera, L.; Kopel, P.; Adam, V.; Encapsulation of Doxorubicin in Furcellaran/Chitosan Nanocapsules by Layer-by-Layer Technique for Selectively Controlled Drug Delivery. Biomacromolecules 2019, in press, . DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.9b01175 .
  • Gagic, M.; Jamroz, E.; Krizkova, S.; Milosavljevic, V.; Kopel, P.; Adam, V.; Current trends in detection of histamine in food and beverages . J. Agric. Food Chem. 2019, 67, 773-783. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b05515.
  • Horky, P.; Skalickova, S.; Urbankova, L.; Baholet, D.; Kociova, S.; Bytesnikova, Z.; Kabourkova, E.; Lackova, Z.; Cernei, N.; Gagic, M.; Milosavljevic, V.; Smolikova, V.; Vaclavkova, E.; Nevrkla, P.; Knot, P.; Krystofova, O.; Hynek, D.; Kopel, P.; Skladanka, J.; Adam, V.; Smerkova, K.; Zinc phosphate-based nanoparticles as a novel antibacterial agent: in vivo study on rats after dietary exposure. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 2019, 10, 1-12. DOI: 10.1186/s40104-019-0319-8.
  • Michalkova, H.; Strmiska, V.; Kudr, J.; Skubalova, Z.; Tesarova, B.; Svec, P.; Richtera, L.; Zitka, O.; Adam, V.; Heger, Z.; Tuning the surface coating of IONs towards efficient sonochemical tethering and sustained liberation of topoisomerase II poisons. Int. J. Nanomed. 2019, 14, 7609. DOI: 10.2147/IJN.S208810.
  • Koudelkova, Z.; Bytesnikova, Z.; Xhaxhiu, K.; Kremplova, M.; Hynek, D.; Adam, V.; Richtera, L.; Electrochemical evaluation of selenium (IV) removal from its aqueous solutions by unmodified and modified graphene oxide. Molecules 2019, 24, 1-13. DOI: 10.3390/molecules24061063.
  • Ashrafi, A. M.; Richtera, L.; Preparation and characterization of carbon paste electrode bulk-modified with multiwalled carbon nanotubes and its application in a sensitive assay of antihyperlipidemic simvastatin in biological samples. Molecules 2019, 24, 1-14. DOI: 10.3390/molecules24122215.
  • Ashrafi, A. M.; Sys, M.; Sedlackova, E.; Farag, A. S.; Adam, V.; Pribyl, J.; Richtera, L.; Application of the enzymatic electrochemical biosensors for monitoring non-competitive inhibition of enzyme activity by heavy metals. Sensors 2019, 19, 1-15. DOI: 10.3390/s19132939.
  • Kynicky, J.; Milosavljevic, V.; Jelinkova, P.; Haddad, Y.; Merlos, M. A. R.; Buchtelova, H.; Bytesnikova, Z.; Brtnicky, M.; Richtera, L.; Kopel, P.; Adam, V.; Europium and terbium Schiff base peptide complexes as potential antimicrobial agents against Salmonella typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Chem. Pap. 2018, 72, 1437–1449. DOI: 10.1007/s11696-018-0400-3.
  • Jelinkova, P.; Vesely, R.; Cihalova, K.; Hegerova, D.; Ananbeh, H. A. A. A.; Richtera, L.; Smerkova, K.; Brtnicky, M.; Kynicky, J.; Moulick, A.; Adam, V.; Effect of arsenic (III and V) on oxidative stress parameters in resistant and susceptible Staphylococcus aureus. Environ. Res. 2018, 166, 394-401. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2018.06.024.
  • Jamr; Kopel, P.; Juszczak, L.; Kawecka, A.; Bytesnikova, Z.; Milosavljevic, V.; Kucharek, M.; Makarewicz, M.; Adam, V.; Development and characterisation of furcellaran-gelatin films containing SeNPs and AgNPs that have antimicrobial activity. Food Hydrocolloids 2018, 83, 9-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2018.04.028.
  • Jimenez Jimenez, A. M.; Moulick, A.; Richtera, L.; Krejcova, L.; Kalina, L.; Datta, R.; Svobodova, M.; Hynek, D.; Masarik, M.; Heger, Z.; Adam, V.; Dual-color quantum dots-based simultaneous detection of HPV-HIV co-infection. Sens. Actuator B-Chem. 2018, 258, 295-303. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2017.11.074.
  • Milosavljevic, V.; Haddad, Y.; Moulick, A.; Buchtelova, H.; Guran, R.; Pospisil, T.; Stokowa-So; Heger, Z.; Richtera, L.; Kopel, P.; Adam, V.; Functional analysis of novicidin peptide: Coordinated delivery system for zinc via Schiff base ligand. Bioconjugate Chem. 2018, 29, 2954. DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.8b00370.
  • Moulick, A.; Heger, Z.; Milosavljevic, V.; Richtera, L.; Barroso; Merlos, M. A. R.; Buchtelova, H.; Podgajny, R.; Hynek, D.; Kopel, P.; Adam, V.; Real-time visualization of cell membrane damage using gadolinium Schiff base complex-doped quantum dots. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 35859-35868. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b15868.
109 entries « 3 of 3 »


Nejdl, Lukas; Nguyen, Hoai Viet; Richtera, Lukas; Krizkova, Sona; Guran, Roman; Masarik, Michal; Hynek, David; Heger, Zbynek; Lundberg, Karin; Erikson, Kristofer; Adam, Vojtech; Kizek, Rene

Label-free bead-based metallothionein electrochemical immunosensor Journal Article

In: Electrophoresis, vol. 36, no. 16, pp. 1894–1904, 2015, ISSN: 1522-2683.

Abstract | Links

Richtera, Lukáš; Chudobova, Dagmar; Dolezelikova, Kristyna; Kremplová, Monika; Milosavljevic, Vedran; Kopel, Pavel; Hynek, David; Adam, Vojtech; Kizek, Rene

The composites of graphene oxide with metal or semimetal nanoparticles and their effect on pathogenic microorganisms Journal Article

In: Materials , vol. 8, iss. 6, pp. 2994-3011, 2015.

Abstract | Links

Richtera, Lukáš; Jancik, Vojtech; Barroso-Flores, Joaquin; Nykel, Petr; Touzin, Jiri; Taraba, Jan

Synthesis and crystal structure of the first selenonyl bis(carboxylate) SeO2(O2CCH3)2 Journal Article

In: European Journal of Anorganic Chemistry, vol. 18, pp. 2923-2927, 2015.

Abstract | Links

Kudr, Jiri; Nejdl, Lukas; Skalickova, Sylvie; Zurek, Michal; Milosavljevic, Vedran; Kensova, Renata; Ruttkay-Nedecky, Branislav; Kopel, Pavel; Hynek, David; Novotna, Marie; Adam, Vojtech; Kizek, Rene

Use of nucleic acids anchor system to reveal apoferritin modification by cadmium telluride nanoparticles Journal Article

In: J Mater Chem B, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 2109–2118, 2015, ISSN: 2050-7518.

Abstract | Links

Chudobova, Dagmar; Cihalova, Kristyna; Skalickova, Sylvie; Zitka, Jan; Rodrigo, Miguel Angel Merlos; Milosavljevic, Vedran; Hynek, David; Kopel, Pavel; Vesely, Radek; Adam, Vojtech; Kizek, Rene

3D-printed chip for detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus labeled with gold nanoparticles Journal Article

In: Electrophoresis, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 457–466, 2015, ISSN: 1522-2683.

Abstract | Links

Heger, Zbynek; Michalek, Petr; Guran, Roman; Havelkova, Barbora; Kominkova, Marketa; Cernei, Natalia; Richtera, Lukas; Beklova, Miroslava; Adam, Vojtech; Kizek, Rene

Exposure to 17β-Oestradiol Induces Oxidative Stress in the Non-Oestrogen Receptor Invertebrate Species Eisenia fetida Journal Article

In: PLoS One, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. e0145426, 2015, ISSN: 1932-6203.

Abstract | Links


Nejdl, Lukas; Richtera, Lukáš; Wawrzak, Dorota; Milosavljevic, Vedran; Kopel, Pavel; Kudr, Jiri; Ruttkay-Nedecky, Branislav; Adam, Vojtech; Kizek, Rene

Behavior of UV sensitive zinc complexes revealed by using electrochemistry and spectroscopy. Journal Article

In: International journal of electrochemical science, vol. 10, iss. 2, pp. 1696-1707, 2014, ISSN: 1452-3981.

Abstract | Links

Krejcova, Ludmila; Hynek, David; Michalek, Petr; Milosavljevic, Vedran; Kopel, Pavel; Zitka, Ondrej; Konecna, Marie; Kynicky, Jindrich; Adam, Vojtech; Hubalek, Jaromir; Kizek, Rene

Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors for Influenza Detection - Literature Survey 2012-2013 Journal Article

In: International journal of electrochemical science, vol. 9, pp. 3440-3448, 2014, ISSN: 1452-3981.

Abstract | Links


Moulick, Amitava; Blazkova, Iva; Milosavljevic, Vedran; Fohlerova, Zdenka; Hubalek, Jaromir; Kopel, Pavel; Vaculovicova, Marketa; Adam, Vojtech; Kizek, Rene

Application of CdTe/ZnSe quantum dots in in vitro imaging of chicken tissue and embryo Journal Article

In: Photochem Photobiol, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 417–423, 0000, ISSN: 1751-1097.

Abstract | Links

109 entries « 3 of 3 »